screen; window.screen.width; window.screen.height; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. how to get the real screen size in js window.innerWidth & window.outerWidth & window.screen.width; window.innerWid...
screen;window.screen.width;window.screen.height; how to get the real screen size in js window.innerWidth & window.outerWidth & window.screen.width; window.innerWidth;window.innerHeight;window.outerWidth;wind...
用于判断(折叠屏手机)屏幕是否展开,WEB中调用js方法如下: hilink.isScreenSpreaded(); 响应消息 该接口将直接返回true:展开, false:未展开 是否启用native的语音功能引导页 创建快捷方式 意见反馈 以上内容对您是否有帮助? 意见反馈 如果您有其他疑问,您也可以通过开发者社区问答频道来和我们联系探讨...
型号 屏幕宽高(window.screen.width) 微信浏览器(window.innerWidth) 三星s7edge - 360*568 三星note8... 1.5K10 iOS 判断设备型号、屏幕尺寸、系统版本、设备朝向 现在的iOS开发中,因为iPhone的尺寸越来越多,有时候自动布局也很难适配出很精美的UI界面,难免有时候想根据机型来适配界面,所以在这里教大家一种很...
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WebGLRenderer.debug.checkShaderErrors is now true by default. EffectComposer.setSize() now respects the pixel ratio. An instance of EffectComposer can now be resized with the same width and height values like WebGLRenderer. Renamed QuickHull to ConvexHull. The file is now located in examples/...
A plugin which reacts to the width of your Video.js player to change the layout. hm-videojs 28.0.2 An HTML5 and Flash video player with a common API and skin for both. dev136-video.js 07.8.4-1 Enhanced Version.HTML5 Video Player with some updates react-videojs-hook 2261.0.1 A Re...
{"label":"tablet","width":1024,"height":768} ],"onBeforeScript":"playwright/onBefore.js","onReadyScript":"playwright/onReady.js","scenarioDefaults": {"cookiePath":"backstop_data/engine_scripts/cookies.json","url":"","readySelector":"","delay":0...