/* 使用String.trim()函数,来判断字符串是否全为空*/functionkongge1(test){letstr=test.trim();if(str.length==0){console.log('字符串全是空格');}else{console.log('输入的字符串为:'+test);}} 如果trim() 不存在,可以在所有代码前执行下面代码 代码语言:javascript 复制 /* 给String原型链对象添加...
替换之后是:"",3,4,5,2 然后用indexOf在变量b中查找arr数组的第[0]个值,arr[0]的值是1, 因为数组并没有被修改,它只用来被比较的。 实际运行时就是,'"",3,4,5,2'.indexOf(1), 而这时b中的字符串已经是,b = "",3,4,5,2; 了, 当然不会查找到1了,所以就会返回-1,就是没有查找到, 因...
Node.js instance to stderr. Currently in the logs, only the names of the environment variables being accessed are printed, while the values are not printed to avoid leaking sensitive information. To print the stack trace of the access, use--trace-env-js-stackand/or --trace-env-native-stac...
$data.Entity.extend( 'Northwind.Category', { CategoryID: { key: true, type: 'id', nullable: false, computed: true }, CategoryName: { type: 'string', nullable: false, required: true, maxLength: 15 }, Description: { type: 'string', maxLength: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY }, Picture: { ...
max_line_len (default: false)— maximum line length (for uglified code) preamble (default: null)— when passed it must be a string and it will be prepended to the output literally. The source map will adjust for this text. Can be used to insert a comment containing licensing informati...
function checkMaxLen(obj, maxlength, num, str) { str= str || "对不起,您输入的字数已超过" + maxlength + "个字,您的文字将被截取。"var oldValue=newArray();if(obj.value.length >maxlength) { alert(str); obj.value= obj.value.substring(0, maxlength); ...
我们需要判断用户输入的是否全是空格,可以使用以下方法: 方法一: 使用trim() /* 使用String.trim()函数,来判断字符串是否全为空*/ function kongge1(test) { let str = test.trim(); if (str.length == 0) { co
下面对字符串的描述正确的是 A 字符串的长度可以通过length属性获取 B 字符串可以通过charAt()获取某个字符对应的索引 C 字符串可以通过indexOf()获取某个字符对应的索引 D 字符串可以通过join()转成数组 正确答案: A,C 解析: AC 19.以下不属于关键字或保留字的有 A class B let C style D script 正确...
Private DNS zone→ Enables DNS resolution of the Azure Cosmos DB server in the virtual network. Having issues? Check the Troubleshooting section. 3. Secure connection secrets The creation wizard generated the connectivity string for you already as an app setting. However, the security best practice...
Ugly, but it's also the part of the spec. Modules [`es6.string.anchor`](https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/blob/v2.6.0/modules/es6.string.anchor.js), [`es6.string.big`](https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/blob/v2.6.0/modules/es6.string.big.js), [`es6.string.blink`](...