在ReactJs中使用map函数时出现错误"Cannot read property 'map' of undefined",通常是因为在使用map函数之前,没有正确初始化或者传递数据给要被映射的数组。下面是一些可能导致出现这个错误的常见原因和解决方法: 数据未正确初始化:检查数据是否被正确地初始化。确保数据是一个数组,而...
The error Cannot read property 'map' of undefined' is thrown when the map function in the Product component is executed. I'm following the react Native tutorial, and I keep running into an issue when passing the value from the state of one component into another component. I'm following t...
Unhandled Rejection (TypeError): Cannot read property 'map' of undefined (anonymous function) C:/Users/kurniawan/django/shemura/frontend/src/home/Home.js:2320| .then(results=>{21|returnresults.json();22| }).then(data=>{ >23|letdataOperations = data.results.map((idk) =>{24|r...
执行Cannot read property 'map' of undefined' 组件中的 map 函数时抛出错误 CommentList。 什么会导致 prop 成为undefined 当从CommentBox 进入CommentList 时 // First component var CommentList = React.createClass({ render: function() { var commentNodes = this.props.data.map(function (comment){ ret...
而Cannot read property ‘gc’ of undefined错误说起来也很简单,就是我们在页面上少了一个DIV. 比如我们初始化的id是“allmap”,那我们只需要在页面上添加一个div <divid="allmap"></div> 就OK啦。这里的id根据你自己初始化的id为准,通常是使用”allmap”。
Guys please i have a project i MUST deliver in 2 days time. Help me look into this issue. Cannot read property 'bitmap' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'bitmap' of undefined at Potrace._processLoadedImage (C:\Users\HP LAPTOP...
router.map is not a function,然后我在网上查,就安装了npm install vue-router@0.7.13兼容1.0版本,就没有报这个错了,但是又报了一个新错Cannot read property ‘component’ of undefined,然后看了你的这篇,就安装了npm install vue-router@next,就没有报Cannot read property ‘component’ of undefined的错...
相关平台 H5 浏览器版本: Google Chrome 84.0.4147.105 使用框架: Vue 2 复现步骤 TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined at addLeadingSlash (taro-tabbar.entry.js?a911:114) at new Tabbar (taro-tabbar.entry.js?a911:274) at eval (core-de9c9c2d.js?5c89:
map(component => { console.log('name', component.name) Vue.component(component.name, component) }) } // auto install if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue) { install(window.Vue) } const API = { install, ...components } module.exports.default = module.exports = API B...