This small section is from a keyboard concerto byJ.S. Bachoriginally written for harpsichord. The thin texture of the original score lend itself to the classical guitar and with this small excerpt we can partake in some of the great music written by this beloved composer. Download the sheet m...
>Masterpieces of the Classical Guitar, Vol. 1 - Karl SCheit - Sor Paganini JS Bach Thomas Robinson (MHS) 介质:Audio CD 唱片名:Masterpieces of the Classical Guitar, Vol. 1 - Karl SCheit - Sor Paganini JS Bach Thomas Robinson (MHS) ...
Music of Fernando Sor Music of Fernando Sor 2017年 Debussy on Guitar and Ukulele Debussy on Guitar and Ukulele 2011年 JS Bach on Guitar and Ukulele JS Bach on Guitar and Ukulele 2010年 Classical Ukulele Classical Ukulele 2013年 Telemann on Guitar Telemann on Guitar 2016年 Bach: Keyboard...
在Apple Music 上收听丹尼尔 · 埃斯特雷姆的《JS Bach on Solo Mandola, Vol. 2》。2014年。18 首歌曲。时长:57 分钟
strings » JSBach.bouree.clip来源: Freesound 前往原页面 查看译文 作者: dobroide 许可: CC-BY 保留署名许可协议 描述: part of a wellknown bouree by JS Bach played (poorly) by me with an electric guitar. 标签: bach bouree guitar music ...
With his group and as the guest conductor he performed many of the most significant vocal- instrumental and instrumantal works; from passions and masses by J.S.Bach till the contemporary music. He has frequently been invited to participate in workshops and international juries at the choir , ...
I discovered that these 153 pieces of increasing difficulty were among Bartók's most ingenious creations. They contain almost all elements of 20th century music, but also much that had already been experienced or was yet to come. In some respects they can be compared with Bach's Well-Tempered...
第一个在"Masterpieces of the Classical Guitar, Vol. 1 - Karl SCheit - Sor Paganini JS Bach Thomas Robinson (MHS)"的论坛里发言 谁听这张唱片? 子慧玲子 2015年3月11日想听 > 1人想听 订阅关于Masterpieces of the Classical Guitar, Vol. 1 - Karl SCheit - Sor Paganini JS Bach Thomas Robi...