-test.skip('some test here', (t) => { +test('some test here', (t) => { t.end(); });TypeScriptremove duplicates from union -type x = boolean[] | A | string | A | string[] | boolean[]; +type x = boolean[] | A | string | string[];convert...
🌱 Lazy,⛓️ Asyncand ⚡ Performance-OptimizedArray/Streammethods importalotfrom'alot';constusers:IUser[];// SyncconstuserAgeGroups=alot(users).distinctBy(x=>x.email).sortBy(x=>x.createdAt).groupBy(x=>x.age).skip(1).take(2).toArray();// AsyncconstuserData=awaitalot(users).map...
Add the@routesBlade directive to your main layout (beforeyour application's JavaScript), and theroute()helper function will be available globally! By default, the output of the@routesBlade directive includes a list of all your application's routes and their parameters. This route list is include...
videojs('my-player',{controlBar:{skipButtons:{backward:10}}}); sources Type:Array An array of objects that mirror the nativeelement's capability to have a series of childelements. This should be an array of objects with thesrcandtypeproperties. For example: videojs('my-player...
throttling definitions, like no more than 3 calls in a second, 20 calls in 10 seconds, and 100 calls in a minute. To do so, you can set up your definitions in the array with named options, that can later be referenced in the@SkipThrottle()and@Throttle()decorators to change the ...
if(isBrowser&&!cfg.skipDataMain){//Figure out baseUrl. Get it from the script tag with require.js in it.eachReverse(scripts(),function(script){//Set the 'head' where we can append children by//using the script's parent.if(!head){head=script.parentNode;}//Look for a data-main attr...
You can take action on errors by usingonError. See alsomapError,errors,skipErrors,Bacon.retryandflatMapError. In case you want to convert (some) value events intoErrorevents, you may useflatMaplike this: stream = Bacon.fromArray([1,2,3,4]).flatMap(function(x){if(x >2)returnnewBacon...
(window.console.error as any)['__rrweb_original__']\n : window.console.error\n try {\n error.apply(window.console, args)\n } catch (err) {\n _eachArray(args, function (arg) {\n error(arg)\n })\n }\n }\n },\n /** @type {function(...*)} */\n critical: function ...
(window.console.error as any)['__rrweb_original__']\n : window.console.error\n try {\n error.apply(window.console, args)\n } catch (err) {\n _eachArray(args, function (arg) {\n error(arg)\n })\n }\n }\n },\n /** @type {function(...*)} */\n critical: function ...
// Defining underscore contrib variable var _ = require('underscore-contrib'); // Array var array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 4, 3, 10]; // skipValue var skip = 20; // Generating Array using takeSkipping() method var arr =_.takeSkipping(array, skip); console.log("Array : ", array...