splice 方法可以移除从 start 位置开始的指定个数的元素并插入新元素,从而修改 arrayObj。返回值是一个由所移除的元素组成的新 Array 对象。 要求 版本5.5 Js代码 Array.prototype.clear=function(){ this.length=0; } Array.prototype.insertAt=function(index,obj){ this.splice(index,0,obj); } Array.prototy...
// 拼接函数(索引位置, 要删除元素的数量, 元素) array.splice(2, 0,"three"); array;// 现在数组是这个样子 ["one", "two", "three", "four"] 如果你对扩展原生 JavaScript 不反感,那么可以将这个方法添加到数组原型(Array prototype)中: Array.prototype.insert =function (index, item) { this.spli...
如果negIndex是一个负索引< 0,那么array.at(negIndex)将会访问位于索引array.length + negIndex处的元素。例如: 代码语言:javascript 复制 constfruits=['orange','apple','banana','grape'];constnegIndex=-2;fruits.at(negIndex);// => 'banana'fruits[fruits.length+negIndex];// => 'banana' 总结 Ja...
array.concat(98) // returns [4, 10, 20, 37, 45, 98] 复制代码 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 算法: 将num插入arr。 将arr进行升序排序。 返回num的索引。 代码: function getIndexToIns(arr, num) { // Insert num into arr, creating a new array. let newArray = arr.concat(num) // [40, ...
* insert(index, element) 根据索引index, 在索引位置插入节点 * remove(element) 删除节点 * removeAt(index) 删除指定索引节点 * removeAll(element) 删除所有匹配的节点 * set(index, element) 根据索引,修改对应索引的节点值 * get(index) 根据索引获取节点信息 ...
If array destructuring is present, index-like properties in Array.prototype have not been overridden: Object.prototype[0] = 42; var [ a ] = []; var { 0: b } = {}; // 42 undefined console.log([][0], a); // 42 42 console.log({}[0], b); Earlier versions of JavaScript ...
dateStrings: Force date types (TIMESTAMP, DATETIME, DATE) to be returned as strings rather than inflated into JavaScript Date objects. Can betrue/falseor an array of type names to keep as strings. (Default:false) debug: Prints protocol details to stdout. Can betrue/falseor an array of pa...
The context for the template is an item in the my.vm.movies array. So by navigating up through the parent twice, the context will become the my.vm object. Then you can grab the movie with index 2 and use its boxArt.smallUrl property for the image. The result of this...
The context for the template is an item in the my.vm.movies array. So by navigating up through the parent twice, the context will become the my.vm object. Then you can grab the movie with index 2 and use its boxArt.smallUrl property for the image. The result of this would be to ...
自从库使用了像 Array#forEach 这样的函数,老版本的浏览器需要shim 提供缺少的函数。要在加载 xlsx.js 的script标签之前添加shim,才能使用它。<!-- add the shim first --> <!-- after the shim is referenced, add the library --> shim.min.js也包括了在IE6-9中用于加载和保存文件的 IE_LoadFile...