items: T[]): T[]; /** * Inserts new elements at the start of an array, and returns the new length of the array. * @param items Elements to insert at the start of the array. */ unshift(...items: T[]): number; /** * Returns the index of the first occurrence of a value ...
It can check if a value is in an array (["in", value, array]) or a substring is in a string (["in", substring, string]) (#8876) Add minPitch and maxPitch map options (#8834) Add rotation, rotationAlignment and pitchAlignment options to markers (#8836) (h/t dburnsii) Add ...
includeKeys: An optional array of CMCD keys. When present, only these CMCD fields will be included with each each request. enableInterstitialPlayback (default: true) Interstitial playback can be disabled without disabling parsing or schedule update and buffered-to events by setting this to false ...
$arrayElemAt 会根据第二个参数从数组中选择特定元素。在本例中,1 值会从 $split 运算符生成的数组中选择第二个元素,因为数组索引会从 0 开始。例如,传递给此操作的值 ["Store", "42"] 将返回值“42”。 const result = await plants.aggregate([ { $project: { _id: 0, name: 1, storeNumber: ...
$.trim(string) ⇒ string Remove whitespace from beginning and end of a string; just like String.prototype.trim().$.type v1.0+ $.type(object) ⇒ string Get string type of an object. Possible types are: null undefined boolean number string function array date regexp object error. ...
/*drawTo asks the debug canvas to draw from the beginning of the picture * to the given command and flush the canvas.*/voiddrawTo(SkSurface*surface, int32_t index) {//Set the command within the frame or layer event being drawn.if(fInspectedLayer >= 0) { ...
/**Whether to wrap the search back to the beginning when it hits the end*/ wrap: boolean; re: any; } interface Point { row: number; column: number; } type Position = Point; interface Delta { action: "insert" | "remove"; start: Point; ...
First of all you want to include theskrollr.min.jsfile at the bottom of your document (right before the closing) and then callskrollr.init(). Or you can place it inside theif you want to, but make sure to callinit()once the document has been loaded (e.g. jQuery'sreadyevent or ev...
'core-js-pure/actual/array/flat-map'; import structuredClone from 'core-js-pure/actual/structured-clone'; Promise.resolve(42).then(it => console.log(it)); // => 42 from(new Set([1, 2, 3]).union(new Set([3, 4, 5]))); ...