function arrDistinct(array) { let newArr = []; for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { //开闭原则 let bool = true; //每次都要判断新数组中是否有旧数组中的值。 for (let j = 0; j < newArr.length; j++) { if (array[i] === newArr[j]) { bool = false; } } if ...
...直到其后面没有重复的元素就push进新数组function distinct(arr){...var b = distinct(a); console.log(b); //1,2,3,4,5,6,56 利用sort和splice 思路:先用sort方法将数组排序...新建一个对象obj,遍历数组中的每一项,如果!...// return Array.from(new Set(array)); return [... new Set(...
的元素就push进新数组 function distinct(arr){...var b = distinct(a); console.log(b); //1,2,3,4,5,6,56 利用sort和splice 思路:先用sort方法将数组排序...新建一个对象obj,遍历数组中的每一项,如果!...// return Array.from(new Set(array)); return [... new Set(array)]//用[...A...
let arr1 = Array.from(newArray(100000),(item,index) =>{returnindex; }) let arr2= Array.from(newArray(50000),(item,index) =>{returnindex +index; })functiondistinct(a,b) {//数组去重} console.time('去重计算时间'); console.log('去重后的长度', distinct(arr1, arr2).length); consol...
Array.prototype.distinct =function(){vararr =this, result=[], i, j, len=arr.length;for(i = 0; i < len; i++){for(j = i + 1; j < len; j++){if(arr[i] ===arr[j]){ j= ++i; } } result.push(arr[i]); }returnresult; ...
The top answers have complexity of O(n²), but this can be done with just O(n) by using an object as a hash: function getDistinctArray(arr) { var dups = {}; return arr.filter(function(el) { var hash = el.valueOf(); var isDup = dups[hash]; dups[hash] = true; return !
接受两个参数pipeline/options,pipeline是 array, 相同的 operator 可以多次使用 pipeline 支持的方法 $geoNeargeoNear命令可以在查询结果中返回每个点距离查询点的距离 $group指定 group 的_id(key/keys) 和基于操作符($push/$sum/$addToSet/...) 的累加运算 ...
extract(object, key1, key2, ...) sort(list) reverse(list) length(object|array) sum(array) all(array) any(array) none(array) join(array) 字符串操作 regexmatch(pattern, string) regexreplace(string, pattern, replacement) replace(string, pattern, replacement) lower(string) upper(string) 工具...
Dataview中结果列表的一般抽象是DataArray,它是一个具有附加功能的代理数组。数据阵列支持索引和迭代(通过for和for...的循环),就像普通数组一样,但也包括许多数据操作运算符,如sort, groupBy, distinct, where等,以使数据表格化变得容易。 Creation 创建
While Immutable.js is inspired by Clojure, Scala, Haskell and other functional programming environments, it's designed to bring these powerful concepts to JavaScript, and therefore has an Object-Oriented API that closely mirrors that of ES2015 Array, Map, and Set....