JsRender template rendering detects whether the data parameter is an array or not. If it’s an array, the return value is the concatenation of the strings that would result from passing each of the individual array items to the render method. So the template will be rendered ...
You can turn off this behavior by settingsortImportstofalse. When disabled, existing imports are not rearranged, and new imports are always added above existing imports. sortImports:false; stripFileExtensions An array that controls what file extensions are stripped out from the resulting import state...
An array of event name and function name pairs, which will be added to the generated object element as child param elements. initParams A string that contains name and value pairs separated by commas; for example, "name1=value1,name2=value2,name3=value3". ...
Two more things before I continue. When you resize the browser window, the canvas is also being resized. The engine must also resize its internal width and height to keep the scene in perspective. Adding the following lines to the initEngine function right before the return engine; statement ...
// cannot go back to fast elements. if (dictionary.requires_slow_elements()) return false; // Adding a property with this index will require slow elements. if (index >= static_cast<uint32_t>(Smi::kMaxValue)) return false; if (object.IsJSArray()) { ...
with non-standard attributes or accessors were added, we// cannot go back to fast elements.if(dictionary.requires_slow_elements())returnfalse;// Adding a property with this index will require slow elements.if(index>=static_cast<uint32_t>(Smi::kMaxValue))returnfalse;if(object.IsJSArray...
Notice that we have bindings in this directive. After$compilecompiles and links, it will try to match directives on the element’s children. This means you can compose directives of other directives. We’ll see how to do that inan examplebelow. 注意这样我们就做了指令的...
(sessionConfig)); /** * This method is used to generate an auth code request * @param {string} authority: the authority to request the auth code from * @param {array} scopes: scopes to request the auth code for * @param {string} state: state of the application, tag a request * ...
// v8/src/elements.cc 783// 如果容量大于等于 length * 2 + 16,则进行收缩容量调整if(2*length+JSObject::kMinAddedElementsCapacity<=capacity){// If more than half the elements won't be used, trim the array.// Do not trim from short arrays to prevent frequent trimming on// repeated pop...
vue-array - Array object operation under Vue, Array object operation under Vue Use this package to manipulate the array. Vue can monitor the changes in the array Laqu-l - A complete App starter kit with Quasar Framework, GraphQL API backend with OAUTH 2.0 authentication, Firebase ready, mult...