但是,在下一步中,您将向其添加一个 HTML 内容 (pdf.addHTML),它是单个元素,而不是多个实体。您应该更改函数以使其打印一个数组,您首先根据呈现的页面尺寸计算元素。 也许代码会变成: var fullpage, onepage, headd, foott, edges, contentt, he, fo, c, pages; fullpage = document.body.scrollHeight...
Is there a way to add custom HTML and JS to the output page? Something like following would be nice, for example my_before = '<script> abc ... </script>' my_after = '<p> Arctic Ocean</p>' create_map('abc.html', plugin_data=True, before=my_before, after=my_after) ...
addPage(); doc.addImage(imgData, 'PNG', 0, position, imgWidth, imgHeight); heightLeft -= pageHeight; } doc.save( 'file.pdf'); 收藏分享票数12 EN Stack Overflow用户 发布于 2017-10-29 11:07:35 上面的任何一个都帮不了我,所以我会把它放在这里,供任何想要使用addHTML()创建多个页面的人...
使用app.get获取HTML文件。很简单! const express = require('express'); const app = express(); app.get('/', function(request, response){ response.sendFile('absolutePathToYour/htmlPage.html'); }); 就这么简单。 为此使用快捷模块。 安装express: npm Install -g express ...
To enable executing scripts inside the page, you can use the runScripts: "dangerously" option: const dom = new JSDOM(`<body> <div id="content"></div> <script>document.getElementById("content").append(document.createElement("hr"));</script> </body>`, { runScripts: "dangerously" })...
If you aren't using the Blank Application template or if you're adding the control to a page that you created yourself, you might need to add a call to WinJS.UI.processAll. If you added the control to your app's home page (which is usually the default.html file), add a call to...
html> controller 类: /** * 查询json数据 * @param map * @param request * @return */ @RequestMapping("/getjson") public String getjson(ModelMap map, HttpServletRequest request) { try { String straction = request.getParameter("action").toLowerCase(); HashMap<String, Object> res; if("...
项目源码地址:https://github.com/linwalker/render-html-to-pdf html2canvas 简介 我们可以直接在浏览器端使用html2canvas,对整个或局部页面进行“截图”。但这并不是真的截图,而是通过遍历页面DOM结构,收集所有元素信息及相应样式,渲染出canvas image。
html2pdf.js has the ability to automatically add page-breaks to clean up your document. Page-breaks can be added by CSS styles, set on individual elements using selectors, or avoided from breaking inside all elements (avoid-all mode).