100s of plugins When you need to add additional functionality, a well-documented plugin architecture has your back. The community has already built hundreds of skins and plugins that you can install, such as Chromecast, IMA, even VR.
Achievement Unlocked: A simple test using ExcelJS has created a spreadsheet with 1,000,000,000 cells. Made using random data with 100,000,000 rows of 10 cells per row. I cannot validate the file yet as Excel will not open it and I have yet to implement the streaming reader but I hav...
vue-icons - More than 11,000 icons from most popular icon libraries (bootstrap, fontawesome, feather .. etc) Marquee vue3-marquee - A simple and responsive marquee component for Vue 3 applications with 0 dependencies. Menu vue-tree-navigation - Vue.js 2 tree navigation with vue-router supp...
Made using random data with 100,000,000 rows of 10 cells per row. I cannot validate the file yet as Excel will not open it and I have yet to implement the streaming reader but I have every confidence that it is good since 1,000,000 rows loads ok. 0.2.3 Bug Fixes Merge Cell ...
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border: 10px solid #000; margin: 100px; background-color: pink; } var div1 = document.getElementsByTagName("div")[0]; console.log(div1.offsetHeight); //打印结果:140(100+20+20) console.log(typeof div1.offsetHeight); //打印结果:number ...
评分:【RP 100分】【JS 100分】 等级:托斯卡纳IGT 产区:意大利 » 托斯卡纳 葡萄品种:桑娇维塞、赤霞珠、品丽珠 跨境完税价:¥2460 (金卡会员享95折,白金卡会员享9折) (点击图片即可跳转购买) 出自意大利百年实力名庄,完美年份加持下的2015年份索拉雅不仅获得RP和JS双满分认可,同时在JS2018年度意大利百大葡萄...
u@https://lib/WASubContext.js:1:100463 o@https://lib/WASubContext.js:1:337008 i@https://lib/WASubContext.js:1:337370 onTimeoutError@https://lib/WASubContext.js:1:337502 https://lib/WASubContext.js:1:341297 https://lib/WASubContext.js:1:337396 https://lib/WASubContext.js:1:...
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