1.原本jrebel已经激活了,某天突然失效了。报错如下: JRebel: ERROR Failed to obtain seat. Unable to connect to license server. Check your network connection and/or VPN settings. 解决办法: 前提是你已经安装了JRebel ,自己百度 1.下载软件 http://github.com/ilanyu/ReverseProxy/releases/tag/v1.4,选...
Exception com.zeroturnaround.javarebel.w$c : License Server connection failed. HTTP error: 403 2017-07-14 14:00:37.975 INFO [AWT-EventQueue-0 2017.1.5#IU-171.4694.70 IDEA, eap:false, os:Windows 8.1 6.3, java-version:Oracle Corporation 1.8.0_131-b11] Licensing-LS - Deleting lease on ...
jrebel 破解失败 Unexpected response from server Unexpected response from server. Activation failed. Unable to connect to license server. Check your network connection and/or VPN settings. (Server address: [2020-04-24 19:05:57] Unable to connect to license server. Check...
这个跟注册机一样,需要一直开启着,否则就会不行,我关闭了本地的注册及之后,idea就直接提示错误了:连不上license server了 [2019-03-3021:38:16]Failedto obtain seat.Unableto connect to license server.Checkyour network connection and/orVPNsettings.(Serveraddress: 为了方便自己,也...
第一步:下载jrebel插件 官方下载链接:https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/download?updateId=25523 第二步:安装jrebel插件 选中下载的zip文件,等待安装好后,重启idea 第三部:**jrebel 当前网上给的**文件,**方式是windows的,不适合mac。mac使用license server的方式**。 第四部:搭建......
下载地址: https://github.com/ilanyu/ReverseProxy/releases/latest 使用方法: ./ReverseProxy_[OS]_[ARCH] -h Usage of ReverseProxy_[OS]_[ARCH]: -l string listen on ip:port (default "") -r string reverse proxy addr (default "http://idea.lanyus.com:80") ...
这个跟注册机一样,需要一直开启着,否则就会不行,我关闭了本地的注册及之后,idea就直接提示错误了:连不上license server了 [2019-03-3021:38:16] Failed to obtain seat. Unable to connect to license server. Check your network connection and/or VPN settings. (Server address:
这个跟注册机一样,需要一直开启着,否则就会不行,我关闭了本地的注册及之后,idea就直接提示错误了:连不上license server了 [2019-03-3021:38:16] Failed to obtain seat. Unable to connect to license server. Check your network connection and/or VPN settings. (Server address:
下载地址: https://github.com/ilanyu/ReverseProxy/releases/latest 使用方法: ./ReverseProxy_[OS]_[ARCH] -h Usage of ReverseProxy_[OS]_[ARCH]: -l string listen on ip:port (default "") -r string reverse proxy addr (default "http://idea.lanyus.com:80") ...