1、下载地址:https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/4441-jrebel-and-xrebel/versions 保险起见这里建议下载2022.4.1版本,否则容易出现JRebel LS client not configured的问题,如果你已经出现了,可以参考 https://blog.csdn.net/qijing19991210/article/details/128913014 2、下载完成后解压,放入idea的安装目录的plugins...
1、下载地址:https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/4441-jrebel-and-xrebel/versions 保险起见这里建议下载2022.4.1版本,否则容易出现JRebelLS client not configured的问题,如果你已经出现了,可以参考 https://blog.csdn.net/qijing19991210/article/details/128913014 2、下载完成后解压,放入idea的安装目录的plugins文...
1、下载地址:https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/4441-jrebel-and-xrebel/versions 保险起见这里建议下载2022.4.1版本,否则容易出现JRebelLS client not configured的问题,如果你已经出现了,可以参考 https://blog.csdn.net/qijing19991210/article/details/128913014 2、下载完成后解压,放入idea的安装目录的plugins文...
Idea热部署插件JRebel+XRebel 1、下载地址:https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/4441-jrebel-and-xrebel/versions保险起见这里建议下载2022.4.1版本,否则容易出现JRebel LS client not configured的问题,如果你已经出现了,可以参考https://blog.csdn.net/qijing19991210/article/deta... 文章...
Improvement: updated the name, description, and icon of the plugin to include XRebel as well. Bug fix: fixed an integration issue where automatic path variables were not passed correctly to Run Configurations. Bug fix: fixed an integration issue with the Services tool window where the Run/Debug...
Improvement: updated the name, description, and icon of the plugin to include XRebel as well. Bug fix: fixed an integration issue where automatic path variables were not passed correctly to Run Configurations. Bug fix: fixed an integration issue with the Services tool window where the Run/Debug...
Bug fix: fixed an integration issue where the debugger did not break on breakpoints. 2020.1.1 Improvement: updated the name, description, and icon of the plugin to include XRebel as well. Bug fix: fixed an integration issue where automatic path variables were not passed correctly to Run Confi...
Improvement: updated the name, description, and icon of the plugin to include XRebel as well. Bug fix: fixed an integration issue where automatic path variables were not passed correctly to Run Configurations. Bug fix: fixed an integration issue with the Services tool window where the Run/Debug...
Improvement: updated the name, description, and icon of the plugin to include XRebel as well. Bug fix: fixed an integration issue where automatic path variables were not passed correctly to Run Configurations. Bug fix: fixed an integration issue with the Services tool window where the Run/Debug...
Improvement: updated the name, description, and icon of the plugin to include XRebel as well. Bug fix: fixed an integration issue where automatic path variables were not passed correctly to Run Configurations. Bug fix: fixed an integration issue with the Services tool window where the Run/Debug...