I searched the folder in all possible places, and I put it in the windows explorer search engine, and that folder doesn't appear, my system is 64 bits and I don't know what to do Prem KumarJune 18, 2019 at 8:57 AM Exactly same issue as Jerid for me. Still doesn't work Reply...
<runtimeBits>64/32</runtimeBits> </jre> <versionInfo> <fileVersion></fileVersion> <txtFileVersion>1.0.0</txtFileVersion> <fileDescription></fileDescription> <productName></productName> <companyName></companyName> <internalName></internalName> <originalFilename></originalFilename...
Launch4j has a configuration option called "runtimeBits", which determines which registry paths are checked for JRE locations: runtimeBits Optional, defaults to 64/32; Allows to select between 64-bit and 32-bit runtimes. For KSE it's the default, which means both 64 bit and 32 bit Java ...
1.安装OpenJDK,并激活JavaSoft(Oracle)注册表项,然后选择“only use public JRE”launch4j选项。1....
Sorry for my confusion about X64 bits family.. I already understand that point. 1- I already change the JAVA JRE, and also the $JAVA_HOME and $PATH variables for the new one, as you can see below: [root@redhatsap ~]# java -version java version "1.4.2" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Envir...
如果launch4j找不到它,它将使用安装的JRE(或下载一个)。我的相关Gradle配置最终如下所示 ...
In Windows 7 64 bits, with a JRE 1.7, from any browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer 9 at 32 and at 64 bit, Chrome), when we try to run an applet hosted on an http server on a local network, the download of jars starts, but never ends. Via the internet it downloads but not via...
If you'd like more information about using the system, see the man page, "sbcl.1", or the user manual in the "doc/manual" subdirectory of the distribution. (The user manual is maintained as Texinfo in the source distribution; HTML version is available for download, and "INSTALL" ...
--data-init -mno-keep-startup -mno-osccal -mno-resetbits -mno-save-resetbits -mno-download -mno-stackcall -nodefaultlibs -std=c99 -gdwarf-3 -mstack=compiled:auto:auto -o build/default/production/_ext/1472/test.p1 ../test.c make[2]: *** [build/default/production/_ext/1472/test...