PRODUCT SPOTLIGHTPorD'Cornm Reviews Products Of InterestJapan Radio's NRD-545Anew shortwave receiver alwaysgenerates a lot of excitementamongst enthusiasts, and onefrom Japan Radio is almost certain to gen-erate a furor. The NRD-545 was certain-ly no exception, and once listeners beganto realize...
JRC_NRD-545_Table_function_of_each_button 星级: 1 页 JRC_NRD-515_sch_PE1ABR 星级: 6 页 NRD-545 - JRC日本無線 ホーム 星级: 2 页 JRC_NRD-545_用户操作说明书手册_2 星级: 50 页 JRC_NRD-545_用户拆解手册_partial 星级: 62 页 JRC_NRD-545_用户操作说明书手册 星级: 50 页 ...
JRC_NRD-545 (Owners Manual)
NRD-545U:100kHzto823.900MHz 849.100MHzto868.900MHz 894.100MHzto1849.900MHz 1910.100MHzto1929.900MHz 1990.100MHzto1999.999MHz Typeofreception:USB,LSB,CW,RTTY,AM,FM WFM(withoptionboardinstalled) Frequencystability:±10ppmorlessfor5min.to60min.aftertuningthe ...
U030 Japan Radio NRD-545 $1349.95 SOLD Shortwave Communications Receiver The Japan Radio NRD-545 is a multimode receiver covering 0.1-30 MHz. It has an attractive display and S-Meter. It has PBT and Notch and keypad entry. The rear panel has: selectable AC input, antenna inputs and RS...
is clearly the leading manufacture of top quality commercial maritime radio communications equipment in the world. TheJRC NRD-545 DSPis the latest receiver in this very long and very proud tradition. And the '545' may be the finest receiver they have ever offered. The substantial size and ergo...
JRC NRD 545 Controlling Software N545PRO.EXE The English version is new as of March 2003. Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 11:58:32 +0100 From: Martin-Fischer-von-Frieling@t-online.deSubject: Re: N545Pro Software now FreewareRegistration is easy. Enter the program, clickHelpthenRegistration......
2.日本JRC公司宣布停止 NRD-545系列接收机的工厂维修服务 3. W1AW计划于2018年1月2日开始6米段传输 计划于12月6 - 8日举行国际空间站慢扫描电视传输 ARISS公司宣布,国际空间站(ISS)俄罗斯服务模块中的MAI-75慢速扫描(SSTV)系统将于12月5日1500 UTC-12月6日9:00 UTC测试该转发器。
在最受追捧的 JRC 船用接收机阵容中,NRD-240 列在 Fred Osterman 著名的指南“Shortwave Receivers Past & Present”的第 222 页以及该书的封面上。标价是8000美元。接收器也是 1991 年前《世界频段广播通行证》(Passport to World Band Radio) 的测评对象。