NVA-515. Optional NDH-515 and NDH-518 external memories were offered. JRC eventually also produced the NCM-515 wired frequency controller. The NRD-515 was an affordable follow up to the NRD-505 and a perfect mate for the matching
- JRC NSD-515D (100 watts) - JRC NSD-515S (10 watts) The NSD-515 is designed to match the JRC NRD-515 receiver.General characteristics HAM bands 160m 80m 40m 30m (WARC) 20m 17m (WARC) 15m 12m (WARC) 10m Frequency stability ± 50Hz per hour after 1 hour. Tuning steps ? Me...
NRD-515 NRD-505 DiscontinuedCommunications Receivers Specifications|Accessories|Larger Image|Rear Panel Interior|LCD|Notch|PBS|BWC|Supplied Accessories If you had the opportunity to look into the radio room of most ocean going commercial ships, chances are theintegrated bridge,radarandInmarsatequipment wou...
JRC 日本无线 NRD-515 全波接收器 #老物件勾起一代人的回忆 #玩音响的80后 #一代人的回忆 #音质好 #专业的事情交给专业人去做 - 电波之旅于20250112发布在抖音,已经收获了1个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!