3-Day JR Tokyo Wide Pass (Pickup at NRT T1) 3-Day JR Tokyo Wide Pass (Pickup at NRT T2) 3-Day JR Tokyo Wide Pass (Pickup at HND) Quantity You can select up to5for this package Adult 1 US$ 117.39 Complete all required fields to continue ...
趕快買好只有外國人才能使用,三天在限定區域內可任意搭乘的JR TOKYO Wide Pass,搭上東北新幹線,只需一個小時左右,就能探索完全不同於鬧區的日本旅程。 JR TOKYO Wide Pass詳細介紹請見以下網址 https://www.jreast.co.jp/multi/en/pass/tokyowidepass.html 本次旅程是使用「JR TOKYO Wide Pass」,若前往東北...
「JR东京广域周游券」(英文名称为JR TOKYO Wide Pass)是一张可乘坐JR东日本铁路公司路线与指定路线的交通票券,大人(12岁以上)票价15,000日元,孩童(6岁~11岁)为7,500日元,可在以下地图的范围中,连续3天之内无限次乘坐东京与周边关东地区的电车,如成田机场到市区,东京前往轻井泽、越后汤泽、日光、鬼怒川、那须...
GALA Yuzawa even has the GALA Yuzawa Temporary Station, which operates only during the winter to spring seasons. Additionally, this year, there is a limited-time promotion for JR pass holders. Until May 6, 2024, using the JR Tokyo Wide Pass allows you to enjoy special discounted prices for...
JR東京廣域周遊券票卷 (JR Tokyo Wide Pass)購買方式 (一) 日本銷售點 成田第一、第二航廈與羽田空港,東京、上野、新宿、品川、橫濱、池袋、澀谷、水戶、濱松町(2018新增) 等十二個銷售點才有販售,指定座席票請在JR 售票處(Midori-no-madoguchi)、旅行服務中心(View Plaza)及 JR東日本旅行服務中心購買。
「JR東京廣域周遊券」(英文名稱為JR TOKYO Wide Pass)是一張可乘坐JR東日本鐵路公司路線與指定路線的交通票券,大人(12歲以上)票價15,000日圓,孩童(6歲~11歲)為7,500日圓,可在以下地圖的範圍中,連續3天之內無限次乘坐東京與周邊關東地區的電車,如成田機場到市區,東京前往輕井澤、越後湯澤、日光、鬼怒川、那須...
There are more JR trains you can ride with the Tokyo Wide Pass, but these are all the trains that go places you might actually want to visit. For a full map of all the routes covered (and all the fine print), see the official JR Tokyo Wide Pass page. Where can I go with a JR...
JR Kansai Wide Area (Excursion) Pass 5 days (for tourists) 12,000 yen 3 days (for residents) 12,000 yen Reduced rates apply to children aged 6-11 (50% off); a green car version is not available.ValidityUnlimited use of trains along the JR lines shown on the map above. The Sanyo...
从2015年11月19日,JR东日本开始销售“JR TOKYO Wide Pass” (JR东京广域周游券)啦!现在正在销售的关东地区的新干线、特急列车的指定席位,在3天以内可以自由乘坐,与以前相比,...
https://valentina214.wordpress.com/2017/02/20/jr-tokyo-wide-pass/ 车票预订:https://www.eki-net.com/pc/jreast-shinkansen-reservation/Sc/wb/common/Menu/Menu.aspx?_ga=1.7077558.567764217.1487577312 先划重点: 连续3天之内去日光、镰仓、热海的JR线路无限次乘坐,东京市内的JR线无限次乘坐;白天在镰仓...