不想從北海道開始,倒過來從福岡也可以,建議不要從中段的東京或大阪開始,因為東西折返會花更多時間,順著走下去是最好,當然如果你志不在踏遍全日本,有坐到飽的JR PASS就是任性,不照行程表想去哪就去哪就是自由行的魅力,大家好好運用這張無敵票券,盡情前往想去的地方吧! 省時省力又省錢的Go To Travel Campaig...
Does the JR Fare calculator work with regional passes, like the JR Kyushu Pass or JR Hokkaido pass? +Are JR buses or the JR Ferry to Miyajima included? There’s always a room for improvements Your feedback matters We are always looking at ways to help you plan your trip. JR Pass team...
there are also numerous other railway operators. Most of them serve relatively small regional networks or even just single lines, and they are most prominent in the suburbs of Japan's largest cities. Furthermore, most subway lines in Japan are not operated by JR. The Japan Rail Pass is gene...
探索西日本的絕佳方式,解鎖西日本JR Pass的秘密!Trip.com最完整指南涵蓋範圍、購票優惠、兌換流程、檢票細節,至熱門城市旅遊攻略。點擊立刻成為西日本旅行達人,輕鬆體驗大阪、京都等地的魅力,省時又省錢!
JR PASS東京廣域周遊券種類 使用JR Pass東京來遊覽東京有許多優勢。JR Pass東京提供無限次數的JR列車乘坐,遊客可以輕鬆地在東京市內和周邊地區移動。此外,使用JR Pass東京還可以節省交通費用,因為遊客只需支付一次費用即可使用JR列車系統。Trip.com在本文整理了JR Pass東京與其他便捷的交通通票懶人包,為遊客提供了更多的...
The Japan Rail Map with over 4800 stations and 23000 km of rail freedom to explore. Find out about everything that is included in the Japan Rail Pass. The JR Map is a vital tool for planning your trip to Japan. JRPass.comJR Lines Shinkansen Private Railways Tram or Ropeway JR Station ...
JR PASS 關西廣域地區鐵路周遊 3日券【住在日本的外國人專用/電子票】 5.0/5 非常好 (1 條評論) 18 人已訂 大阪 等地出發 列印紙本憑證+電子憑證 有效期內均可使用 即日可用 訂單確認 有條件退款 最低價 NT$2,518 產品特色 可無限次數乘坐指定範圍內JR...
透過Klook客路網站購買,到達日本後至JR車站內【標示PASSPORT圖示的綠色售票機】自助領取JR Pass關西地區鐵路周遊券。該方法能疊加優惠券購買票券,且能避開人潮快速取票,想省便宜的話推薦這管道購買。 👉預訂優惠:關西地區鐵路周遊券 (圖片來源:西日本旅客鐵道株式會社) ...
also be tedious to undergo this process for every ride. Additionally, keeping track of these individual tickets for each excursion will also be troublesome. With the JR Pass, travelers can forego this process entirely, as the majority of their travel needs will be included in one single ticket...