Tip:The JR Pass is valid on all JR and Shinkansen lines (green and blue). Share my Map About the JR Pass Map Welcome to the interactive JR Map, the map covers the entire JR railway network of Japan, from the high-speed Shinkansen to local lines. The map has been carefully designed ...
Tip:The JR Pass is valid on all JR and Shinkansen lines (green and blue). Share my Map About the JR Pass Map Welcome to the interactive JR Map, the map covers the entire JR railway network of Japan, from the high-speed Shinkansen to local lines. The map has been carefully designed ...
The Japan Rail Pass is valid on: JR trains The pass is valid on almost all trains operated on the nationwide network of JR (Japan Railways), including shinkansen, limited express, rapid and local trains. The map below shows the major train lines that are covered by the pass. Tokyo Monorai...
Nationwide JR Route Map: get an overview of the covered routes Shinkansen Route Map: discover the specific bullet trains included with this pass Nozomi and Mizuho Trains: are not covered by JR Pass but you can purchase the “[ONLY WITH JAPAN RAIL PASS] Nozomi Mizuho ticket” at JR stations...
The Kansai International Airport (KIX) services the cities of Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, and Kobe. If you hold a JR Pass, travel from the airport can be a simple and exciting process, as the Japan Railway West’s Express Haruka train offersdirect transportation from the Kansai International Airport...
Map of Japan indicating the JR train lines throughout the country with landmarks in each region For your choice of 7, 14, or 21 days, explore Japan in the most convenient and economical way with a Japan rail pass that is valid for the majority of railways and local buses operated by ...
JR PASS 日本铁路周遊券基础知识 1.日本的轨道交通分类 -- JR(Japan 、Railway),全国性铁路公司,经营JR新干线(日本的高铁)和JR在来线(普通路线的特急、急行、快速、普通) -- 私铁(电车),各私人公司经营的某区域内的火 --地下铁:某城市政府经营的地铁。(下图来自Klook) ...
Japan Rail Pass JR WEST RAILPASS >>JR West-Kansai Area Pass >>JR West-Sanyo-San'in Area Pass >>JR West-Kansai WIDE Area Pass Contact: If you have questions, please contact your local JTB branch or call the phone number below.
▸ 地址:和歌山線白濱町2927-52(Google Map) ▸ 交通:從JR白濱站撘乘明光巴士,在「三段壁」下車 ▸ 也可以在白濱車站使用JR PASS免費租借腳踏車前往 ▸官網 白濱溫泉 圖片來源:和歌山縣觀光聯盟官網 大名鼎鼎的白濱溫泉與有馬溫泉、道後溫泉並列為日本三大古溫泉,不僅擁有一千三百多年的悠久歷史,還留有...
JR PASS(全称Japan Rail Pass)日本铁路周游券指的是日本JR公司针对外国旅客所发行、非常优惠的交通票券。 二、JR PASS适用于哪些交通工具 持有日本铁路周游券的客人可以在指定时间内无限次搭乘带有JR标志的任何交通工具,主要适用路线范围为日本全国的JR铁道(含新干线的部分车次)、JR巴士、JR渡轮(来往宫岛口与宫岛)...