使用指定席售票機掃描 JAPAN RAIL PASS 上的二維碼或手動輸入預訂號碼。然後,提供您的護照號碼。 輸入旅行詳細信息,包括區間、日期、時間以及火車和設施的偏好。如果您已在線上預訂預約座位,請選擇相應的行程。 檢查輸入的信息,如果準確,則繼續出票。 查看更多 ...
Starting from October 2023, the prices ofJR passeshave significantly increased. TheJR Pass for Whole Japan (7, 14, or 21 days)has seen an increase of over 60%. This price hike has raised concerns among many travelers planning trips to Japan, as they consider the impact on transportation co...
Explore Japan with a Japan Rail Pass, one ticket for unlimited travel! - Official Seller - Free Help and Guide - Fast worldwide delivery - 7, 14 or 21 days.
The Japan Rail Pass for Whole Japan, also known as the JR Pass, is a transportation pass specifically made for foreign visitors to have seamless access to multiple trains and local buses throughout the country via the extensive transportation network operated by the Japan Railways Group. ...
Explore Japan with a Japan Rail Pass, one ticket for unlimited travel! - Official Seller - Free Help and Guide - Fast worldwide delivery - 7, 14 or 21 days.
日本鐵路通票(Japan Rail Pass),簡稱「JR PASS」,通稱「JR PASS全國版」是由全日本共6家JR集團共同提供的全日本周遊券,只要持有這張通票,就可以在期限內、無限次數坐遍JR集團絕大部分的列車與新幹線,完全就是日本旅遊必備神器!而這神器也只給短期滯留、來觀光旅遊的外國旅客使用,日本人只能含恨咬手帕。日本鐵路...
JR Pass - Unlimited Japan Rail Travel Starting from $336.00 for 7 Days Instant Quote FREE Japan Rail Booklet with every purchase 7 day JR Pass: $336.00 14 day JR Pass: $537.00 A great value option Japan Rail Pass prices With anindependent customer satisfaction rating of over 99%you can or...
The JR Pass is the ultimate way to travel Japan, with unlimited rides on the Shinkansen bullet train, all JR trains, buses, even the JR Miyajima Ferry and the Tokyo Monorail. For great value travel around Japan, buy your JR Pass here!