JR KYUSHU RAIL PASS Online Booking 仅对从同一网站或指定的旅行公司提前购买JR九州铁路周游券者,提供可提前预约指定席的付费服务。可提前付费预约的指定席列车和费用请参考官方网站。在日本九州预约(免费)► ①みどりの窓口(绿色窗口)新干线的指定席划位方式也非常简单!如事先已查好欲搭乘的「日期」、「...
Glossary of JR Kyushu Rail Pass Good to know Confirmation You'll get confirmation within minutes. If you don't see any confirmation, reach out to our customer support. Pass eligibility Free for children aged 0-5 Up to two children (aged 1-5) may travel free when accompanied by an adult...
Please read the notes and proceed to “Order JR Kyushu Pass” to purchase. What is the JR Kyushu Rail Pass? Who can buy? Here is the perfect ticket for touring through Kyushu. Travelers visiting Japan from foreign countries for sightseeing can purchase. ...
首先得兑换!通过JR KYUSHU RAIL PASS Online Booking购买的话,记得带上护照、购买凭证和付款的信用卡去指定窗口哦。旅行社或窗口直接购买的话,也请准备好护照和购买凭证。🕰️ 兑换时间与地点 北九州兑换地点包括博多、小仓等,时间从早7点至晚11点不等。南九州则有大分、熊本等,时间同样根据地点有所不同。全...
使用JR KYUSHU MOBILEPASS(福岡廣域版),您將不需要特地到車站窗口換票,只要手持智慧型手機即可輕鬆使用電子周遊券!再也不需要擔心遺失或毀損車票,還能隨時使用手機確認,讓您擁有更輕鬆愉快的九州之旅! https://www.jrkyushu.co.jp/chinese/railpass/mobilepass.html ...
JR Kyushu Bus Company Most local lines of JR bus Effective with passes issued April 1, 2013, the Japan Rail Pass (ジャパン・レール・パス) will no longer be valid on express bus routes. Our CustomersTESTIMONIALS! Tom, New York ...
JR KYUSHU RAIL PASS Online Booking 僅對從同一網站或指定的旅行公司提前購買JR九州鐵路周遊券者,提供可提前預約指定席的付費服務。可提前付費預約的指定席列車和費用請參考官方網站。 在日本九州預約(免費) ①みどりの窓口(綠色窗口) 新幹線的指定席劃位方式也非常簡單!如事先已查好欲搭乘的「日期」、「班車名...
Buses are also covered with your JR Pass, buses included are the JR Hokkaido, JR Tohoku, JR Kanto, JR Tokai, JR Shikoku, JR Kyushu, Nishinihon JR Bus, and the Chugoku JR Bus. Klook Tip: If you’re unsure, just spot the green JR logo on the bus!
The Japan Rail Pass (JR Pass) is a cost-efficient 7-day, 14-day, or 21-day travel pass available exclusively for foreign visitors to Japan. Learn about the features of the JR Pass and how to buy it, along with restrictions and price information.
#九州云市集#【JR KYUSHU DISCOVER RAIL PASS】是一款专门面向在留外国人的周游PASS,适用车种非常多,包括JR九州运行的普通 · 快速列车,超人气特急观光列车由布院之森、指宿玉手箱、海幸山幸等等,当然也可以乘...