3)如果你的行程里也只有如上这些城市,但对jr有滤镜,喜欢铁路出行,那可以选jr kansai area pass,jr也基本能覆盖几乎所有要去的景点,但要记住不能坐大阪到京都这段的新干线,这不算在卡内的。 4)如果你的行程里除了这些城市外,要去更远的地方,比如京都最远最清净的天桥立、柯南博物馆所在的鸟取、关西最好看的海...
About the JR Kansai Hiroshima Area Pass, a rail pass for JR trains in the Kansai Region and along the Sanyo Coast as far as Hiroshima.
WIDE Area PassKansai-Hiroshima Area PassKansai-Hokuriku Area PassOkayama-Hiroshima-Yamaguchi Area PassSanin-Okayama Area PassSanyoSanin Area PassSetouchi Area PassAll Shikoku PassAll Kyushu PassNorthern Kyushu PassSanyo-San'in Northern Kyushu PassSouthern Kyushu PassNational PassKansai-Hiroshima Area Pass...
What is JR West Kansai Sanin Area Pass? Enjoy unlimited train and bus rides within a specified area for 7 consecutive days. Visit Tottori, Okayama, Kobe, Shin-Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, and more with just one pass! What Shinkansen trains and transportations are covered?
Due to the large flow of people at Kansai Airport, there are many people at the airport and counters😂 It is recommended to go to the airport to pick up the Kansai Wide Area Pass and make a reservation for Haruka at the airport. Other JR stations can help reserve seats. In addition,...
JR西日本 Pass | JR关西地区卡 JR Kansai Area Pass 可以从关西机场无限制地乘坐JR电车前往大阪、京都、神户、奈良、姬路等近处城市。可以乘坐机场特急樱花号(Haruka)的普通车自由席,还可以无限次乘坐区间内的JR普通、快速、新快速电车,但新干线除外。需要注意的是,在日本停留的时期内,每个人限购买1张。
本篇要介紹的是JR Pass關西地區鐵路周遊券(JR官方網站),英文全名為「Kansai Area Pass」。 這是由JR西日本為外國人設計的觀光交通票券,讓你在一到四日內無限次數搭乘JR。 這張JR Pass關西地區鐵路周遊券超級適合第一次去京阪旅遊的朋友! 除了可以無限次搭乘關西主要地區的JR之外,還會送你京都地鐵、京阪電鐵、阪...
【优惠车票】JR关西地区通票 Kansai Area Pass (中文详细介绍:http://www.westjr.co.jp/global/sc/travel-information/pass/kansai/) 【使用资格】短期旅游签证(在留资格短期滞在) 【价格】 【日期限制】无,全年可用。 【使用范围】 连续的1/2/3/4天内可无限制使用JR关西地区大部分的普通列车、快速列车和关...
The JR Kansai Wide Area Excursion Pass (for residents) is sold at a few travel agencies in Japan, such as the JR Kyoto station foreign traveler's counter, the Travel Service Centers at Osaka and Shin-Osaka stations and the NTA TiS branches at Kyoto, Shin-Osaka and Sannomiya stations. The...
>>JR West-Kansai WIDE Area Pass Contact: If you have questions, please contact your local JTB branch or call the phone number below. Phone: (800) 223-6104 Email:reservation@jtbusa.com Office hour : Mon-Fri 9:00 - 17:30 (PST) ...