$(document).ajaxComplete(function(){ $("#wait").css("display","none"); }); 定义和用法 ajaxComplete() 方法规定 AJAX 请求完成时运行的函数。 注意:自 jQuery 版本 1.8 起,该方法只被附加到文档。 不像ajaxSuccess(),通过 ajaxComplete() 方法规定的函数将在请求完成时运行,即使请求并未成功。 语法...
❮ jQuery AJAX Methods Example Show a "loading" indicator image while an AJAX request is going on: $(document).ajaxStart(function(){ $("#wait").css("display","block"); }); $(document).ajaxComplete(function(){ $("#wait").css("display","none"); ...
1.ajaxStart(全局事件) 2.beforeSend 3.ajaxSend(全局事件) 4.success 5.ajaxSuccess(全局事件) 6.error 7.ajaxError (全局事件) 8.complete 9.ajaxComplete(全局事件) 10.ajaxStop(全局事件) 下面看个例子: $("#ACCOUNT_TYPE").bind('click', function() { //alert( $(this).val()); var msg="...
})).done(function (form1Ajax, form2Ajax, formNAjax) { // All complete }).fail(function (form1Ajax, form2Ajax, formNAjax) { // One failed }); 不幸的是,jQuery.when希望每个Deferred都作为一个单独的参数给出,而不是一个Deferreds数组;这就是为什么我们要使用apply来解决这个问题。 还要注意map...
$("#msg").ajaxComplete(function(event,request, settings){ $(this).append("请求完成."); }); 1. 2. 3. 当AJAX 请求正在进行时显示“正在加载”的指示: $("#txt").ajaxStart(function(){ $("#wait").css("display","block"); }); $("#...
you need to wait for all ajax's to complete. just create an array promises, and wait on the array. $(".saveButton").click(function () { var promises = []; $(".timeEntry").each(function () { var dayCount = $(this).attr('data-day'); var chargecode = $(this).attr('data-...
Some of jQuery's Ajax functions return the native XMLHttpRequest (XHR) object, or pass it as an argument to success/error/complete handlers, so that you can do additional processing or monitoring on the request. Note that Ajax functions only return or pass an XHR object when an XHR object...
Browsers also provide theloadevent on thewindowobject. When this event fires it indicates that all assets on the page have loaded, including images. This event can be watched in jQuery using$( window ).on( "load", handler ). In cases where code relies on loaded assets (for example, if...
Other callbacks are error, beforeSend, and complete. The complete callback runs at the end of the request when either the success or error callbacks have been called. Interestingly, the ajax function lists a callback to preprocess the Web response before it is returned to the calling code. ...
In doing so, I’ll touch on some jQuery stuff and take a look at the new jQuery integration API in the ASP.NET Ajax Library. Without further ado, let’s review the context and build a first version of the example. The Demo to Expand Figure 1 shows the application scenario on top of...