minlength:8} } }); It applies the "required" rule, but it just ignores the "minlength" rule. What am I doing wrong? I'm using the same code (the JS part) on other pages and it works as expected. Answer: Validate looks for thenameof the input field, not theid. From the document...
Also, i overwrite a 'hideThese' function of jquery.validate.js fo animation hideThese: function( errors ) { //this.addWrapper( errors ).hide(); errors.not( this.containers ).animate({ height: 0, opacity:0 },function(){ $(this).siblings( "input" ).removeClass("invalid"); $(this)...
IsValid understand which model to validate How MVC RedirectToAction passing a more than one parameter how pass array with jquery.post How people use Tuple in MVC How post a image file through AJAX POST Controller method how to add a reference to System.Web.ApplicationServices? How to display ...
没用过 jquery-validate这个插件,但根据你这个描述,我猜测是动态增加的表单元素,没有被插件监听到, 所以你需要在执行他的初始化函数,重新遍历表单元素,每个都监听起来。或者是不是你在动态添加的元素少了某些插件需要的特别class 或者 其他属性。有用1 回复 Simple4Wan: 您好 确实是没有被插件监听到 如果是自己...
Object doesn’t support this property or method 也可能是 validator.settings[eventType].call is not a function 最后找到2篇文章validator.settings[eventType].call is not a function以及Using jQuery validate plugin: onfocusout, onkeyup notworking as expected on production site,看起来也有人和我们一样,...
Make sure to validate your code to catch errors like that. You can go to File > Validate > Current Document (W3c) in Dreamweaver, or run your pages through the validator athttp://validator.w3.org/nuonline. Votes Upvote Translate
For anyone else needing to validate a REAL e-mail in a REAL world scenario, add this to your validator: $.validator.methods.email = function( value, element ) { return this.optional( element ) || /[a-z]+@[a-z]+\.[a-z]{2,}/.test( value ); } It will validate this: any_...
In my website https://www.giftstoindia24x7.com , on a button click event (in jQuery) I am populating a dynamically created html UL Li list. It is working fine but when I am using jQuery click event on dynamically created ul Li , it is not working....
$(document).ready(function() { // bind 'myForm' and provide a simple callback function $('#myForm').ajaxForm(function() { alert("Thank you for your comment!"); }); }); ... That's it! When this form is submitted thenameandcommentfields will be posted tocomment.php. If the...
("#myForm").validate({ rules: { account: { required: true, account: true // 使用自定义验证规则 } }, messages: { account: { required: "请输入帐号" } } }); }); 帐号: 在上述代码中,我们使用了jQuery的验证插件来实现表单验证。通过$.validator.addMethod方法添加了一个名为...