//return ($("#history_DIV input:checked").length)>0;} //return $("#<%=txtHistory.UniqueID %> input[@type=checkbox]:checked").size()>0; //return $("input[name^='<%=txtHistory.UniqueID %>']").length>0 //atLeastOneChecked: true } }, messages: { <%=txtRemark.UniqueID%>:...
//return ($("#history_DIV input:checked").length)>0;} //return $("#<%=txtHistory.UniqueID %> input[@type=checkbox]:checked").size()>0; // return $("input[name^='<%=txtHistory.UniqueID %>']").length>0 //atLeastOneChecked: true } }, messages: { <%=txtRemark.UniqueID %...
isAgreeRule :true}},errorPlacement :function(error, element) { if (element.is(':radio') || element.is(':checkbox')) { // 如果是radio或checkbox var eid = element.attr('name'); // 获取元素的name属性 error.appendTo(element.parent()); // 将错误信息添加当前元素的父结点后面 } else{ e...
jQuery(“#ValidCheckbox”).validate({ expression: “if (isChecked(SelfID)) return true; else return false;”, message: “Please check atleast one checkbox” }); jQuery(“#contactform”).submit(function(){ jQuery.post(‘post.php’, jQuery(“#contactform”).serialize(), function(data){ ...
Atleast one checkbox is compulsory to be checked Attempt by method 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Symbols+Container.InvokeMethod(Method, System.Object[], Boolean[], System.Reflection.BindingFlags)' to access method 'System.Data.Common.DataRecordInternal.get_Item(System.String)' failed. Attempted...
At least one of the field of the group must be filled. It needs to be given a group name that is unique across the form. condRequiredThis makes the field required, but only if any of the referred fields has a value.
Returns if there is at least one subscriber registered with the given name. $.dform.createElement(options){Object} Returns a new element either using a registered type generator or the default type generator. jQuery.dForm automatically adds support for whichever jQuery UI plugin is available. If...
/* when an ancestor element - in this demo the <fieldset>, but that's not specified in...
validate_remote.html init 9年前 w_accordion.html add icon 7年前 w_alert.html 与cms开发分支同步 2年前 w_button.html 与cms开发分支同步 2年前 w_checkbox.html 与cms开发分支同步 2年前 w_combox.html 与cms开发分支同步 2年前 w_datepicker.html 与cms开发分支同步 ...