从标记创建combobox. 使用javascript创建combobox $('#cc').combobox({ url:'combobox_data.json', valueField:'id', textField:'text' }); 创建两个依赖的combobox
$.widget("ui.combobox", { Version: "1.4", options: { SelectOnly:true,//是否只能选择数据源中的 config: { lableName: "选项", tdWidth: 80, showHeader: true } }, _create: function () { var self = this; this.target = this.element//.css({height:"1.2em",""}), value = this....
从标记创建combobox. 1. 1. 2. 使用javascript创建combobox 1. $('#cc').combobox({ 2. url:'combobox_data.json', 3. valueField:'id', 4. textField:'text' 5. }); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 创建两个依赖的combobox 1.
职位 二:valuechanged加载第二个ComboBox function onDeptChanged(e) { var id = deptCombo.getValue(); positionCombo.setValue(""); var url = "../data/DataService.aspx?method=GetPositionsByDepartmenId&id=" + id positionCombo.setUrl(url); }...
$('#cc').combobox({ filter: function(q, row){ var opts = $(this).combobox('options'); return row[opts.textField].indexOf(q) == 0; } }); formatter function Defineds how to render the row. The function takes one parameter: row. Code example: $('#cc').combobox({ formatte...
varindex = $("#jqxcombobox").jqxComboBox('selectedIndex'); To bind to an event of a UI widget, you can use basic jQuery syntax. Let’s suppose that you want to get the selected item when the user clicks. The example code below demonstrates how to bind to the ‘select’ event of ...
jQuery EasyUI是一组基于jQuery的UI插件集合体,而jQuery EasyUI的目标就是帮助web开发者更轻松的打造出功能丰富并且美观的UI界面。开发者不需要编写复杂的javascript,也不需要对css样式有深入的了解,开发者需要了解的只有一些简单的html标签。 本经验是 【jQuery EasyUI从入门到精通】系列教程的第18部分,在第17部...
一、combobox 前台页面动态加载显示 判断输入值在下拉列表是否存在 var nameStr =''; $(document).ready(function(){ $('#customerId').combobox({ prompt:'请输入或选择客户名称', //prompt属性为没有选中任何选项的时候显示的标签 如“--性别--” url:'${rc.contextPath}/sale/findBusinessPartnerByName...
To implement afloating label in the Kendo UI for jQuery ComboBox, define it either as a string or from a function. The following example demonstrates how to set the floating label as a string: Open In Dojo $(document).ready(function(){$("#combobox").kendoComboBox({dataSource:[{text:...
jQuery UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. Whether you're building highly interactive web applications or you just need to add a date picker to a form control, jQ