Selects all elements. Also in:Selectors>Basic Filter|Selectors>jQuery Extensions :animated Selector Select all elements that are in the progress of an animation at the time the selector is run. Also in:Selectors>Attribute Attribute Contains Prefix Selector [name|=”value”] ...
SelectorExampleSelects * $("*") All elements #id $("#lastname") The element with id="lastname" .class $(".intro") All elements with class="intro" .class,.class $(".intro,.demo") All elements with the class "intro" or "demo" element $("p") All <p> elements el1,el2,el3...
Select all elements. 1 <code data-language="javascript" class="rainbow" style="padding: 0px; font-family: Monaco, courier, monospace; font-size: 12px; color: inherit; border-radius: 3px; border: 0px; background-color: transparent;"><span class="selector" style="color: rgb(251, 222,...
jQuery multiple classes Selector❮ jQuery SelectorsExample Select all elements with class "intro", "demo" or "end": $(".intro, .demo, .end") Try it Yourself » Definition and UsageThe .class selector can also be used to select multiple classes....
element selector Description:Selects all elements with the given tag name. version added:1.0jQuery( "element" ) element:An element to search for. Refers to the tagName of DOM nodes. JavaScript'sgetElementsByTagName()function is called to return the appropriate elements when this expression is ...
Selects element with ID as TextId. It starts with # followed Element Id. Class $('.myclass') Selects all elements with class as myclass. It starts with '.' followed by class name For complete list of selector's syntax, refer refer below tab...
// Select all input-like elements in a form (more on this below). $("#myForm :input"); $("div:visible"); // All except the first three divs. $("div:gt(2)"); // All currently animated divs. $("div:animated"); Note:When using the:visibleand:hiddenpseudo-selectors, jQuery te...
$('#LoginTextBox')// Returns element wrapped as jQuery object with id='LoginTextBox'$('.active')// Returns all elements with CSS class active. 正如你所见,从语法角度来说,ID 选择器和 class 选择器的另一个不同之处是,前者用字符”#”而后者用字符”.”。更详细的分析和讨论参见上面的答案链接...
This statement selects all <div> elements, adds class a to them, creates a new wrapped set consisting of all <img> elements that are descendants of those <div> elements, applies class b to them, creates a third wrapped set that’s a merger of the <div> elements and their descendant ...
3.通过标签名选取元素 document.getElementsByTagName(“tag”) 4.通过CLASS类选取元素 document.getElementsByClassName(“class”) 兼容性:IE8及其以下版本的浏览器未实现getElementsByClassName方法 5.通过CSS选择器选取元素 document.querySelectorAll(“css selector") ...