slideDown(200); downflag = 1; upflag = 0; } } }); 滚动条滚动到底部和头部判断 其实我上面的函数中已经有判断,下面再列一下!看如下函数! BottomJumpPage: function () { var scrollTop = $(this).scrollTop(); var scrollHeight = $(document).height(); var windowHeight = $(this).height()...
window.addEventListener("scroll", function() { var afterScrollTop = document.body.scrollTop, delta = afterScrollTop - beforeScrollTop; if( delta === 0 ) return false; fn( delta > 0 ? "down" : "up" ); beforeScrollTop = afterScrollTop; }, false); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7....
滚动条滚动到底部和头部判断 其实上面的函数中已经有判断,下面再列一下如下函数! BottomJumpPage: function () {var scrollTop = $(this).scrollTop();var scrollHeight = $(document).height();var windowHeight = $(this).height();if (scrollTop + windowHeight == scrollHeight) { //滚动到底部执行事...
$('.page').addClass('page'); 1. 2. ### 步骤2:监听页面滚动事件 在页面加载完成后,我们需要监听页面滚动事件,当滚动到特定位置时触发翻页效果。 ```markdown ```javascript $(window).scroll(function() { // 判断是否滚动到特定位置 if ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() == $(do...
if (upflag) { $(".footer_wrap").slideDown(200); downflag = 1; upflag = 0; } } }); 滚动条滚动到底部和头部判断 其实我上面的函数中已经有判断,下面再列一下!看如下函数! BottomJumpPage: function () { var scrollTop = $(this).scrollTop();var...
$(window).scroll(BottomJumpPage); 判断div是否滚动到底部 上面的方法是判断滚动轴是否滚动到底部,但是有时候,我们在做滚动加载的时候,有时候也要做某个div是否滚动到底部然后加载。那么如何判断DIV的滚动轴滚动到底部呢? 这个也需要了解几个高度: 1、div的高度 $("#某div").height(); ...
etc. is the ability to load content viaAJAXwithin the current page or content area as you scroll down. The new content can be loaded automatically each time you scroll to the end of the existing content, or it can be triggered to load by clicking a navigation link at the end of the ...
19. Scroll Follow Scroll Follow is a simple jQuery plugin that enables a DOM object to follow the page as the user scrolls. It means the plugin allows an element to animate down as the user scrolls the page. Scroll Follow has been successfully, though not extensively, tested on IE6, IE...
1、JQuery插件iScroll实现下拉刷新,滚动翻页特效_ JQuery插件:iScroll 页面布局: div id=wrapper div id=scroller div id=pullDown span class=pullDownIcon/spanspan class=pullDownLabel下拉刷新./span /div ul id=thelist li img src=img/page1_img1.jpg / /li li img src=img/page1_img2.jpg / /...
$(window).paged_scroll({ handleScroll:function (page,container,doneCallback) { yourLogic.getData(function(data){ var html = yourLogic.parseData(data); $('#element').append(html); }); }, triggerFromBottom:'10px', targetElement : $('#element') loader:'Loading next page ...', pagesTo...