<scripttype="text/javascript"language="javascript"> $(function(){ $("#send_progressbar").progressBar({barImage:'../images/progressbg_green.gif',showText:true}); $("#iptSend").click(function(){ $("#send_progressbar").show(); $.get("./Ajax.aspx?a=send_email&guid="+$("#hidGuid...
* 通过Ajax获取json格式的ProgressBar值 * Type:Action */ public void getProgressValueByJson(){ String progressValueString = getCookie(getRequest(),"progressValue"); int progressValue = Integer.parseInt(progressValueString); if(progressValue>100){ progressValue = 0; } System.out.println(" getCoo...
* 通过Ajax获取json格式的ProgressBar值 * Type:Action */ publicvoidgetProgressValueByJson(){ StringprogressValueString=getCookie(getRequest(),"progressValue"); intprogressValue=Integer.parseInt(progressValueString); if(progressValue>100){ progressValue=0; } System.out.println(" getCookie:---progress...
jQuery("#analyzeprogressbar").hide(); }); // fades in the progress bar and starts polling the upload progress after 1.5seconds function beginAnalyze() { // uses ajax to poll the uploadprogress.php page with the id // deserializes the json string, and computes the percentage (integer) /...
// uses ajax to poll the uploadprogress.php page with the id // deserializes the json string, and computes the percentage (integer) // update the jQuery progress bar // sets a timer for the next poll in 750ms $("#uploadprogressbar").fadeIn(); ...
I implemented a simple jQuery plugin that replaces normal <input type=”file”/> elements with funky Ajaxy asynchronous uploader widgets. Behind the scenes, it uses the excellentSWFUploadlibrary. All the clever stuff is in SWFUpload; all I did is set up the progress bar / cancellation behavi...
3. jQuery AJAX – Upload file and display progress bar File Upload Trigger: Define the click event on the ‘Upload File’ button (#btnuploadfile). File Preparation for pass with AJAX request: Utilizes the FormData object to handle file data. ...
Display status of a determinate or indeterminate process. Default determinate progress bar. Want to learn more about the progressbar widget? Check out theAPI documentation.
CircularLoader.Js is a jQuery plugin made using HTML5 and javascript to create customizable cicular progress bars with or without percentage values. It can be used to create a progress indicator. It is a fully customizable plugin which works with all browsers compatible with HTML5. It is a ...
#JQuery File Uploader JQuery plugin to drag and drop files, including ajax upload and progress bar. The idea for this plugin is to keep it very simple; other options/plugins i found mess up a lot with the markup and provide some really 'hacky' ways to make it available for prehistoric ...