Select2 Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results. 3.5.1 Released July 22, 2014 17 Watchers 6 Forks jQuery Touch Multiselect jQuery plugin to have a touch-fitted multi select input field.. ...
Multiple select is a jQuery plugin to select multiple elements with checkboxes :). To get started checkout examples and documentation at ...
<scriptsrc="<script src="jquery-input-multilevel-select-plugin.js"></script> 1. 2. 使用 初始化 在页面加载完成后,我们可以通过以下方式来初始化多级选择插件: $(document).ready(function(){// 初始化多级选择插件$('#multiSelectInput').multiLevelSelect();}); 1. 2. 3. 4. 在上述代码中,#mul...
Tagged: multi-select Field Chooser Drag and drop items between two lists, with multi-select and keyboard shortcuts 1.0.6 Released June 6, 2014 33 Watchers 22 Forks
6. jQuery Searchable DropDown Plugin Searchable DropDown 应该算是一个能在网上找到的有点年头的插件了。创建于 2012 (最近没有更新),它的主要用途是把 select 列表转换为一行的可搜索列表。 7. Multi-select Combo Box ...
Select Combo Plugin. jQuery - LinkedSelect Auto-populate multiple select boxes. Choose Plugin (Select Replacement). 表单基本、输入框、选择框等(Form Basics, Input Fields, Checkboxes etc.) jQuery Form Plugin. jQuery-Form. jLook Nice Forms. ...
preset option groups 'presets': undefined, // CSS class added to the container, when the menu is about to extend beyond the right edge of the position Menu Within element 'positionedMenuClass': 'multi-select-container--positioned', // If you provide a jQuery object here, the plugin will ...
This is an unobstrusive jQuery plugin which is a drop-in replacement for the standard <select> element with multiple attribute activated.
Choose Plugin (Select Replacement). 表单基本、输入框、选择框等(Form Basics, Input Fields, Checkboxes etc.) jQuery Form Plugin. jQuery-Form. jLook Nice Forms. jNice. Ping Plugin. Toggle Form Text. ToggleVal. jQuery Field Plugin. jQuery Form’n Field plugin. ...
A jQuery plugin for replacing <select> elements. Contribute to marcj/jquery-selectBox development by creating an account on GitHub.