isMobile: true, remote: { url: "../mobileApi.asmx/isExistsPhone", type: "post", dataType: "json", data: { mobile_number: function () { return $("#TextUserPhone").val(); } } } } }, //rules messages: { TextUserPhone: { required: "请输入手机号码", isMobile: "手机号码不符...
length==10){ alert("valid"); $("#mobile-valid").removeClass("hidden"); $("#folio-invalid").addClass("hidden"); } else { alert('Please put 10 digit mobile number'); $("#folio-invalid").removeClass("hidden"); $("#mobile-valid").addClass("hidden"); return false; } } else ...
I've been trying without much success to validate mobile forms using thejQuery validation plugin. It seems as though the first page I visit that has a form validates ok. Subsequent pages don't validate, unless they have the same fields that were present for validation on the first page. Fo...
dateISO: "Please enter a valid date (ISO).", number: "Please enter a valid number.", mobile: "请填写正确的手机号码.", digits: "Please enter only digits.", creditcard: "Please enter a valid credit card number.", equalTo: "Please enter the same value again.", maxlength: $.validator...
jQuery Validation让验证变得如此easy(三) 一、引入文件 1. 2. 二、声明HTML片段 用户名:密 码:确认密码:出生地:--北京上海深圳
JQuery Validation插件作为式历史悠久的jQuery插件之一,经过了全球各种项目的验证,得到了很多WEB开发者的好评,作为一个表单验证的解决方案,Validation有很多的优点,比如: 1.内置验证规则:拥有必填、数字、email、url和信用卡号码等内置验证规则; 2.自定义验证规则:可以很方便地自定义验证规则(通过$.validator.addMethod(na...
meta charset="UTF-8"> Title .item-label{ height: 30px; { alert('请填写手机号码'); ...
jquery validation isnumeric or ask your own question. The Overflow Blog Mobile Observability: monitoring performance through cracked screens, old... Featured on Meta Announcing a change to the data-dump process Bringing clarity to status tag usage on meta sites What does a ...
官方网站:注意下载最新版) API:当前版本:1.5.5 需要JQuery版本:1.2.6+, 兼容 1.3.2 二、默认校验规则 (1)required:true 必输字段 (2)remote:"check.php...
是参数,我们可以⽤addMethod 来添加除built-in Validation methods 之外的验证⽅法⽐如有⼀个字段,只 能输⼀个字母,范围是a-f,写法如下:$.validator.addMethod(“af”,function(value,element,params){ if(value.length>1){ return false;} if(value>=params[0]&&value<=params[1]){ return true;}...