Dom对象 1.通过getElementById()查询出来的标签对象是Dom对象 2.通过getElementsByName()查询出来的标签对象是Dom对象 3.通过getElementsByTagName()查询出来的标签对象是Dom对象 4.通过createElement() 方法创建的对象,是Dom对象 JQuery对象 5.通过JQuery提供的API创建的对象,是JQuery对象。例如:$("我是span标签")...
$( ).closest( "li" ).toggleClass( "highlight" ); }); Demo: Pass a jQuery object to closest. The closest list element toggles a yellow background when it or its descendent is clicked. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ...
在向上遍历 DOM 树之前,.closest() 方法会从 li 元素本身开始搜索,直到选择器匹配项目 A 为止。 例子3 我们可以传递 DOM 元素作为 context,在其中搜索最接近的元素。 var listItemII = document.getElementById('ii'); $('li.item-a').closest('ul', listItemII).css('background-color', 'red'); $(...
1、id选择器 $( "#id" ): 所谓id选择器,就是相当于JavaScript的getElementById()方法。语法:$( "#id" ),也就是说#号后面跟上要操作的标签的id的值即可。 2、类选择器 $( ".class" ): 就是通过标签的class属性来选择标签的选择器。语法:$( ".class" ),也就是 . 后面跟上标签的class的值即可。
Description:For each element in the set, get the first element that matches the selector by testing the element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the DOM tree. version added:1.3.closest( selector ) selector Type:Selector ...
Get the children of each element in the set of matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector.Selectors > Basic Class Selector (“.class”) Selects all elements with the given class.Effects > Custom | Data | Utilities .clearQueue() Remove from the queue all items that have not...
Description:For each element in the set, get the first element that matches the selector by testing the element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the DOM tree. version added:1.3.closest( selector ) selector Type:Selector ...
Class Selector (".class") 选择给定样式类名的所有元素。 Effects > Custom | Data | Utilities .clearQueue() 从列队中移除所有未执行的项。 Events > Mouse Events | Deprecated > Deprecated 3.3 .click() Bind an event handler to the "click" event, or trigger that event on an element. ...
a.getElementsByTagName("*").length}),c.getElementsByClassName=Z.test(n.getElementsByClassName),c.getById=ia(function(a){return o.appendChild(a).id=u,!n.getElementsByName||!n.getElementsByName(u).length}),c.getById?(d.find.ID=function(a,b){if("undefined"!=typeof b.getElementById&&p)...
.contextmenu() Bind an event handler to the "contextmenu" JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element. CSS | DOM 操作 > CSS 属性 .css() 获取匹配元素集合中的第一个元素的样式属性的值设置每个匹配元素的一个或多个CSS属性。 数据操作 | 杂项 > 数据存储 .data() ...