jQueryGantt EXPLORE OTHER CONTROLS VIEW DEMOS Overview The Gantt chart is a project management tool which provides a Microsoft Project-like interface for scheduling and managing projects. Its intuitive user interface lets you visually manage tasks, task relationships, and resources in a project. ...
I3NLi / jQueryGantt icechalleng / GanttChart idahopotato1 / jQueryGantt Igor-Vladyka / jQueryGantt ikhsan017 / jQueryGantt Ikovic-lab / jQueryGantt ikvm / jQueryGantt importtao / jQueryGantt Ingeneriadesoftware / jQueryGantt Inivincible / jQueryGantt innerjob / jQueryGantt ...
jQuery-ganttView 资源甘特图 jQuery-ganttView是基于jQuery,下载后直接运行即可。 特性 1.可以点击、拖动、调整大小、以及直接拖拽新任务到视图中 依赖 jQuery 1.4以上 jQuery-UI 1.8.4以上 用法 $("#ganttChart").ganttView({ data: data, behavior: { onClick: function (data) { var msg = "click事件:"...
label String Appears on the gantt item. customClass String Custom class to be applied to the gantt item. dataObj All A data object that is applied directly to the gantt item. GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., [http:...
src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/chart.js"> // Function to parse date strings and return a JavaScript Date object function parseDate(dateString) { return new Date(dateString); } // Function to create Gantt chart function createGanttChart(chartData) { var ctx = document.getElementById...
jQuery DataGrid is a high-performance and feature-rich control. It is used to display data from JSON or web services in a tabular format and have more features with an attractive UI. The DataGrid control’s rich feature set includes many functionalities: data binding with adaptors, editing, fi...
Free download jquery datagrid mysql Files at Software Informer. In IronXL, we can select any worksheet and export it to a data set or data table.
jQuery.ganttView The jQuery.ganttView plugin is a very lightweight plugin for creating a Gantt chart in plain HTML...no vector graphics or images required. The plugin supports dragging and resizing the Gantt blocks and callbacks to trap the updated data. ...
License: Open-source. Free for all uses. 11. jQuery.Gantt 目前为止,我们讨论的都是一些创建正规图形图表的插件、网络图插件、以及迷你的内嵌图形图表。但是如果你需要一个项目管理功能的仪表盘,你可能需要甘特图(Gantt charts)。jQuery.Gantt 通过Ajax获取JSON数据来为你创建甘特图。功能包括平移,缩放,分页,每行的...
License:Open-source. Free for all uses. 11. jQuery.Gantt 目前为止,我们讨论的都是一些创建正规图形图表的插件、网络图插件、以及迷你的内嵌图形图表。但是如果你需要一个项目管理功能的仪表盘,你可能需要 甘特图(Gantt charts)。jQuery.Gantt 通过Ajax获取JSON数据来为你创建甘特图。功能包括平移,缩放,分页,每行的...