var len = floatToStr.substr(dotPos + 1).length; // console.log('len===' + len); //Math.pow(10,len)指定10的len次幂。 var time = Math.pow(10, len); //将浮点数转化为整数 var intNum = parseInt(floatNum * time + 0.5, 10); // console.log('intNum===' + intNum); ret.t...
字符串转数字(int,float) 数字转字符串 字符串转对象 字符串转数字(int,float) 最常见转换之一,但是很多人不注意就直接parseInt parseFloat,里面是有坑的,话不多说上例子。 var a = '1r'; console.log(parseInt(a)) //输出 1;显然这不是普遍想要的,因为1r本身没有任何数字意义,parseInt是从第一位开始合法...
Counter-Up byBenjamin Intal A lightweight jQuery plugin that counts up to a targeted number when the number becomes visible. Tags jqueryplugincountercountupnumberfigurenumericintfloatanimation Versions Version Date 1.0.0 Nov 25, 2013 1.0.0
var img1 = document.getElementById("close"); window.onscroll = function() { var top = parseInt(document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop); = (60+top) + "px"; = (60+top) +"px"; } function adv_close(a) { a.remove(); float....
captionFormatAllSelected(string)Format of caption text when all elements are selected. set null to use captionFormat. It will not work if there are disabled elements in select. default is'{0} all selected!' floatWidth(int)Minimum screen width of device below which the options list is rendered...
(0, 1).appendTo($(this)); $(this).css("margin-top", 0); } }); } this.each(function(i){ var sh = opts["rowHeight"],speed = opts["speed"],_this = $(this); intId[i] = setInterval(function(){ if(_this.find("ul").height()<=_this.height()){ clearInterval(intId[i...
jQuery获取Select选中项的Text和Value jQuery设置Select选中项的 Text和Value jQuery添加/删除Select的Option项 控制表单元素 获取表单元素 select的级联操作,即第二个select的值随着第一个select选中的值变化 $(".selector1").change(function(){//先清空第二个$(".selector2").empty();//实际的应用中,这里的...
function(){var b,c,e,f,g,h,i=d.createElement("div"),j=d.createElement("div");if({"float:left;opacity:.5",l.opacity="0.5",l.cssFloat=!!,"content-box",j.cloneNode(!0).style.backgroundClip=""...
If the source value to be visualized as filled circle (pie) is not a percent value (0..100), you may write your own adapter function for mapping the actual values (any string) to a percent number (any number in [0..100], may be int or float). This mapping might be of ...