$("#id").find(".child"); $("#id").find("input[type='image']"); 1. 2. 3. 非常方便好用。 除了上面的find()方法之外,还有一种查找子元素的方法。 $(".child",parent); 1. 这种方法与find()方法的结果是一样的,也更加简洁。 我们举个例子: function(table){ $("tr",table).css("back...
find将在一组已经选取的元素的子节点里面选择; 测试1 测试2 如果我们使用find()方法: var $find = $("div").find(".rain"); alert( $find.html() ) ; 将会输出:测试1 如果使用filter()方法: var $filter = $("div").filter(".rain"); alert( $filter.html() ); 将会输出:测试2 区...
1> children及find方法都用是用来获得element的子elements的,两者都不会返回 text node,就像大多数的jQuery方法一样。 2> children方法获得的仅仅是元素一下级的子元素,即:immediate children。 3> find方法获得所有下级元素,即:descendants of these elements in the DOM tree 4> children方法的参数selector 是可选...
.find( selector )Returns:jQuery Description:Get the descendants of each element in the current set of matched elements, filtered by a selector, jQuery object, or element. version added:1.0.find( selector ) selector Type:Selector A string containing a selector expression to match elements agai...
Upgrade Your Browser Your web browser (Internet Explorer) is looking a little retro.Try one of these to have a better experience on Zoho Desk. Use latest three version for below mentioned browsers
Also in:Selectors>Child Filter :first-child Selector Selects all elements that are the first child of their parent. Also in:Selectors>Child Filter :first-of-type Selector Selects all elements that are the first among siblings of the same element name. ...
$( ul ).find( "li" ).odd().addClass( "odd" ); } _resizeMenu()Returns: jQuery (plugin only) Method responsible for sizing the menu before it is displayed. The menu element is available at this.menu.element. This method does not accept any arguments. Code examples: Always display ...
Use the list with the class my-tabs or fall back to the default implementation. 1 2 3 4 _getList: function() { var list = this.element.find( ".my-tabs" ); return list.length ? list.eq( 0 ) : this._super(); } Events activate( event, ui )Type: tabsactivate Triggered after...
// Selecting an element's direct parent: // returns [ div.child ] $("span.subchild").parent(); // Selecting all the parents of an element that match a given selector: // returns [ div.parent ] $("span.subchild").parents("div.parent"); ...