$.confirm({ title: '确认操作', content: '您确定要执行这个操作吗?', buttons: { confirm: { text: '确定', action: function () { // 用户点击了确定按钮,执行相应操作 alert('操作已确认!'); } }, cancel: { text: '取消', action: function () { // 用户点击了取消按钮,不执行任何操作 a...
ThejQuery UI Dialog Modal Popup box has two Custom Buttons i.e. Yes and No. When the Yes Button is clicked, therel attributeof the Delete button is set to valuedeleteand the click event of the Delete Button is triggered. And when the No Button is clicked, the jQuery UI Dialog Modal ...
<form id="myForm"><labelfor="name">姓名:</label><inputtype="text"id="name"name="name"required><inputtype="submit"value="提交"></form><divid="confirmDialog"style="display:none;"><p>您确定要重新提交表单吗?</p><buttonid="confirmYes">是</button><buttonid="confirmNo">否</button><...
$('#AlertMessageBody').html(msg); $('#AlertMessage').dialog('open'); } else{ mDialogCallback = callback; $('#ConfirmMessageBody').html(msg); $('#ConfirmMessage').dialog('open'); } }; </script> 这样以后使用起来就省些事了: ShowMsg('是否提交活动信息?',function(yes) { if(yes...
confirm --> callback[调用传入的回调函数]; confirm --> closeDialog[关闭确认框]; closeDialog --> end[结束]; confirm --> cancel[用户取消操作]; cancel --> closeDialog; 总结 使用jQuery UI的dialog方法可以方便地弹出确认框。通过设置相应的参数和回调函数,我们可以自定义确认框的样式和行为。
("#confirmButton").click(function() { $("#customDialog").show(); }); $("#confirmYes").click(function() { $("#customDialog").hide(); alert("Item deleted!"); }); $("#confirmNo").click(function() { $("#customDialog").hide(); alert("Delete cancelled."); }); }); </...
继续回馈ITEYE, 绝对原创,封装JQuery Dialog实现Dialog、Tip、类似alert和confirm的MessageBox,项目使用中,如有bug请指正。 Dialog可以显示定义好的Div,也可以传入网址url,一般我们用于显示网页传入url,因为如果是显示本页div的话就没必要调用该函数,直接$('#divName').dialog('open')...就行了。 style...
confirm是确认提示框 ,只是确认和取消 。。 dialog是对话框,可以添加内容,作为一个弹框
By default on "confirm" the window will be redirected to the href provided, but if the `options` has the confirm callback, it will be called instead. Usethis.$targetto get the clicked element. Dialog $.dialog()Hides both confirm & cancel buttons. (Shows close [x] button) ...
$('span').confirm({ msg:'See my interesting offer?', stopAfter:'ok', eventType:'mouseover', timeout:3000, buttons: { ok:'Sure', cancel:'No thanks', separator:' ' } }); 哦,其实什么也没有! demo4 $('a').confirm({ timeout:3000, dialogShow:'fadeIn', dialogSpeed:'slow', but...