So, first 3 jQuery approaches are not recommended, at least for first-child (I doubt that would be the case with many other too). If you have a jQuery object and need to get the first-child, then get the native DOM element from the jQuery object, using array reference [0] (recommend...
var$child = $( data ).find("child"); }); Cloning jQuery Objects When a jQuery object is passed to the$()function, a clone of the object is created. This new jQuery object references the same DOM elements as the initial one.
You can use thefind()method to get the children of the$(this)selector using jQuery. The jQuery code in the following example will simply select the childelement and apply some CSS style on it on click of the parentelement. Example Try ...
childSelector: 子元素的选择器 event: 事件名称,比如: 'click' function: 当事件触发执行的函数 3.事件代理的示例代码 $(function(){ // 设置一个普通的单击事件,单击一次增加一个新的li标签 // 设置新增加标签的目的是为了证明事件代理可以使新增加的子标签也享有相同的操作 $(“#but...
Selectors > Child Filter :only-of-type Selector 选择所有没有兄弟元素,且具有相同的元素名称的元素。 CSS | Dimensions | Manipulation > Style Properties .outerHeight() 获取元素集合中第一个元素的当前计算高度值,包括padding,border和选择性的margin。返回一个整数(不包含“px”)表示的值 ,或如果在一个...
ul li:last-child :contains('content') 包含content的节点 contains(text):匹配包含给定文本的元素:has(selector):匹配含有选择器所匹配的元素的元素 CSS将上面的选择器称伪类。JQuery称之为过滤器。以冒号开头。 nth-child 从1开始计数。其它从0开始。
$("#select_id option").filter(function(){return$(this).val()==='option_value';}).remove(); 其中,select_id是HTML选择元素的ID,option_value是要删除的选项的值。 使用each()方法删除指定选项: 代码语言:javascript 复制 $("#select_id option").each(function(){if($(this).val()==='option_...
// $(this)表示当前点击的子元素对象 $(this).css({background:‘red’}); }); }) 1 2 3 4 5 delegate方法参数说明: delegate(childSelector,event,function) 1. childSelector: 子元素的选择器 2. event: 事件名称,比如: 'click' 3. function: 当事件触发执行的函数 1. 2. 3. 事件代理 项目...
How would this click handler be able to know what the exact parent is, since it could be one of three elements (and thus one of three parents)? If all you know is the child ($(this)), then you ask the child who its parent is. That is exactly what $(this).parent() does. $(...
var$child = $( data ).find("child"); }); Cloning jQuery Objects When a jQuery object is passed to the$()function, a clone of the object is created. This new jQuery object references the same DOM elements as the initial one.