/* * Is element inside the current scrolled region of the document * (as it fits inside the size of the device)? * * @param {HTMLElement} element Element to check visibility for. * @param {boolean} detectPartialElem If true, check if any part of the element is visible on the scree...
if($("#select_card li:eq(0)").is(":hidden")){alert("隐藏");} else("显示"); 后来研究了一下,如果要能够准确进行判断 格式应该如下:(注意红色部分的对比) if($("#select_card li").eq(0).is(":hidden")){alert("隐藏");} else("显示"); 不知道我理解的是否百分百正确。不过我是这样解...
if($("#div1").is(":hidden")) { document.write("Div1 元素是隐藏的"); } if($("#div2").is(":visible")) { document.write("Div2 元素是可见的"); } if($("#div2").is(":hidden")) { document.write("Div2 元素是隐藏的"); } ...
var answer = $(this).next();//next()为此元素的下一个元素,可以再加上.next()表示下下一个元素,以此类推 if (answer.is(':visible')) {//如果ANSWER 为可见,:visible是可见的意思,相关用法还有:hidden(隐藏),:first(第一个),:last(最后一个) answer.slideUp();//隐藏 } else { answer.slideDow...
通过以下 jQuery 代码可以查看元素是否隐藏: // 查看 CSS 设置 display:[none|block], 忽略 visibility:[true|false] $(element).is(':visible'); 实例 [mycode3 type='html'] 我是隐藏的内容,你看不到我。 我是显示的内容,你看的到我。 [/mycode3] 尝试一
("#DemoButton").click(function(){if(this.value=="Display")this.value="Hide";elsethis.value="Display";$("p").toggle("slow",function(){if($("p").is(":visible")) {alert("The P element is visible.");}else{alert("The p element is hidden.");}});});}); 上面的代码将在点击...
Note: Excluding the fullselectormodule will also exclude all jQuery selector extensions (such aseffects/animatedSelectorandcss/hiddenVisibleSelectors). AMD name You can set the module name for jQuery's AMD definition. By default, it is set to "jquery", which plays nicely with plugins and thir...
(i.e., it starts with<tag ... >). If not, the string is interpreted as a selector expression, as explained above. But if the string appears to be an HTML snippet, jQuery attempts to create new DOM elements as described by the HTML. Then a jQuery object is created and returned ...
if(!currentWin.is(":visible")){ //若窗口本身为不可见时不执行后面两句语句 return; } currentWin.stop(true,true); currentWin.fadeIn(0); }); //鼠标移开,3秒后再次隐藏 currentWin.mouseout(function(){ if(!currentWin.is(":visible")){ ...
(i.e., it starts with<tag ... >). If not, the string is interpreted as a selector expression, as explained above. But if the string appears to be an HTML snippet, jQuery attempts to create new DOM elements as described by the HTML. Then a jQuery object is created and returned ...