In this article I will explain with an example, how to send (pass) parameters to Web Method in jQuery AJAX POST call in ASP.Net. Generally people face issues with jQuery AJAX POST call to WebMethod when multiple parameters have to be passed, due to syntax errors...
For example, the following will alert when the response status is a 404: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $.ajax({ statusCode: { 404: function() { alert( "page not found" ); } } }); If the request is successful, the status code functions take the same parameters as the success callback; ...
$.post() method is shortcut of.ajax()method, so using $.post() method we can send AJAX POST requests. Syntax: var jqXHR = url [, data ] [, success(data, textStatus, jqXHR) ] [, dataType ] ); Valid AJAX POST Requests are: //request with URL,data,...
data参数用于设置要发送到服务器的数据,可以是一个字符串、一个对象或一个数组。 下面是一个简单的使用$.ajax方法发送Ajax请求的示例: $.ajax({url:"",method:"POST",data:{name:"John",age:30},success:function(response){console.log(response);},error:function(xhr,status,error){console...
$.post("ajax/test.html",function(data){ $(".result").html( data ); }); This example fetches the requested HTML snippet and inserts it on the page. Pages fetched withPOSTare never cached, so thecacheandifModifiedoptions injQuery.ajaxSetup()have no effect on these requests. ...
$.post( URL, data, callback); Copy Parameters: URL The URL parameter is defined for the URL of requested page which may communicate with database to return results. $.post("jquery_post.php",data,callback); Copy data The data parameter is defined to send some data along with the reques...
$.post( URL, data, callback); 1. Parameters: URL The URL parameter is defined for the URL of requested page which may communicate with database to return results. 代码解读 $.post("jquery_post.php",data,callback); 1. data The data parameter is defined to send some data along with th...
❮ jQuery AJAX Methods Example 1 Load data from the server using a HTTP POST request: $("button").click(function(){ $.post("demo_test.asp",function(data, status){ alert("Data: "+ data +"\nStatus: "+ status); }); });
下述示例向服务器端发送Ajax异步请求,请求地址为“/api/getWeather”;请求参数为“zipcode:97201”;在响应成功时,用响应数据更新id值为“weather-temp”的元素的内容。 【示例】 02 jQuery对Ajax的实现 jQuery提供多个与Ajax有关的方法,通过jQuery Ajax方法,能够使用HTTP GET或HTTP POST请求从远程服务器上请求文本、...
$.post(URL, data, callback); Parameters: URL The URL parameter is defined for the URL of requested page which may communicate with database to return results. $.post("jquery_post.php",data,callback); data The data parameter is defined to send some data along with the request. ...