I’m using a function to display a table of data on a page (from an array that’ll be linked), and using jquery to alternate the background-color of the rows. Readers will then have the option to search the data (not impo…
-- all other tags, images and js libraries must be included after "loader" div --> ...
My Problem: if i load a page, and scroll on that particular page immediately before the page is loaded. I leave my scroll position a the bottom of the page, i then wait for the page to load fully. Upon completion of loading the page i find that when im still at the bottom of the...
This option has also been deprecated in favor of using the beforeLoad event. Now that there are events before (beforeLoad) and after (load), it's easy to implement customized functionality while remote tabs are loading.The spinner option will be removed in 1.10....
jquery中换页 jquery fullpage 简介 fullPage.js是一个基于jQuery的全屏滚动插件,它能够很方便、很轻松的制作出全屏网站。 主要功能 支持鼠标滚动 支持前进后退和键盘控制 多个回调函数 支持手机、平板触摸事件 支持CSS3 动画 支持窗口缩放 窗口缩放时自动调整...
console.log("---afterSlideLoad---") console.log("anchorLink:"+anchorLink); console.log("index:"+index); console.log("slideIndex:"+slideIndex); console.log("direction:"+direction); console.log("nextSlideIndex:"+nextSlideIndex); }, }); fullpage常用方法 1 $.fn.fullpage.moveSectionUp...
Manipulation > DOM Insertion, Outside .after() Insert content, specified by the parameter, after each element in the set of matched elements.Ajax > Global Ajax Event Handlers ajaxComplete event Register a handler to be called when Ajax requests complete. This is an AjaxEvent....
在这个示例中,当点击id为loadButton的按钮时,会动态加载newPage.html页面,并在加载完成后弹出一个提示框。 优化加载完成事件 有时候,我们需要在多个元素加载完成后执行相同的操作。可以使用.on()方法结合事件委托来监听多个元素的加载完成事件。 $(document).on('load','.item',function(){// 在所有class为item...
afterRender 页面结构生成后的回调函数,或者说页面初始化完成后的回调函数 afterSlideLoad 滚动到某一水平滑块后的回调函数,与 afterLoad 类似,接收 anchorLink、index、slideIndex、direction 4个参数 onSlideLeave 某一水平滑块滚动前的回调函数,与 onLeave 类似,接收 anchorLink、index、slideIndex、direction 4个参数分...