搜索结果将显示在问题导航器,你可以将其导出到MS Excel等多种格式。你还可以保存和订阅你的高级搜索。 当你执行高级搜索时,你是用的是JIRA搜索语言(JQL)。JQL简单查询(也称为一个“语句”)包括一个字段,包括一个运算符、一个或多个值或功能。例如,下面的简单的查询会搜索在“XRTP2”项目中的所有问题单: proj...
我们在利用jira的jql制作各种看板的时候,往往是是针对某个sprint制作了各种过滤器,进而配置出各种监控的看板。方便直观的监控项目的进度和风险。但是遇到的问题是。当下一个sprint开始的时候,又得去手动把过滤器的sprintId手动调整。费事费力,那么有没有一个自动获取最新打开的sprint的函数呢? 2、当前问题的方案 sprint...
A function performs a calculation on either specific Jira data or the function's content in parentheses, such that only true results are retrieved by the function, and then again by the clause in which the function is used. Unless specified in the search query, note that JQL searches do ...
A function in JQL appears as a word followed by parentheses, which may contain one or more explicit values or Jira fields. In a clause, a function is preceded by an operator, which in turn is preceded by a field. A function performs a calculation on either specific Jira data or the fun...
Note: when using the "!~" operator, the value on the right-hand side of the operator can be specified usingJira text-search syntax. Examples Find all issues where the Summary does not contain the word "run" (or derivatives of that word, such as "running" or "ran"): ...
JQL lets you search for a value in a specific field. Each field in Jira has a corresponding JQL name. If you’ve made a custom field, you’ll be asked to name the field. In a clause, a field is followed by an operator, which in turn is followed by one or more values (or ...
JIRA Rest API - Carga de datos ignorando JQL 04-06-2022 04:20 AM Actualmente estoy intentando obtener datos de mi proyecto JIRA en PowerBI utilizando la entrada de origen de datos RestAPI. La instancia de JIRA que uso tiene cientos de proyectos en ella, por lo q...
project = JIRA AND issuetype in ("Incident Request", "Service Request") AND statuscategory = done AND "Time to resolution" = breached( ) AND resolutiondate >= start of month now, depending on when you run this you might want something different. For example, if you want a monthly repor...
Jira is not a time machine, but some features let you travel in the past. Jira Query Language (JQL) is the popular way to search for issues in Jira. It can help if you need to find out what happened in the past, but not in all cases. In this article, you will read how to sea...