C妞的FB粉絲頁 C妞的Instagram 限動小日記/Reels都在這 C妞的好物嚴選社團/LINE@育兒好物福利社 C妞的YOUTUBE頻道 寵物友善資訊社團 C妞寵物友善書|帶毛小孩吃喝玩樂 感謝你的觀看 歡迎轉貼連結分享給親友 如果喜歡我的分享,可以到粉絲團按「讚」! 或Instagram「追蹤」C妞! 你的支持都會令我有更多分享的動力...
I’ll be on hand on Saturday the 2nd of September, Saturday the 16th, Saturday the 23rd, and Saturday the 30th from 11 until 2. I may pop in on other weekend days as well and I’ll update on Facebook and Instagram. I hope to see some of you there! September is truly the best ...