步骤1:浏览https://public.jpj.gov.my/public/login.zul,选择Daftar / Log Masuk Kali Pertama (MyKad)。 步骤2:输入身份证号码、手机号码、电邮地址和安全验证码,点击Teruskan。 步骤3:完成户口的注册程序,并查看电邮。电邮将收到一组临时密码。 步骤4:使用临时密码登录mySIKAP,然后更换密码。 步骤5:再重新登...
用一分钟教你怎样上网买车牌号码现在你可以上网搜索JPJ Mysikap 网站,填写G人资料,如身份证,手机号码,Email 过后你会收到Email确认信,更换新密码后再次回到官网首页,输入身份证和密码记得要点个人或公司后,你会看到 - Luxedrive jetlow于20221005发布在抖音,已
Its director-general (DG) Aedy Fadly Ramli said the payments received via the new FPX payment gateway were nine times higher than the RM3 million collected through the MySikap portal during the same period. “We’ve received a positive response from MyJPJ users opting for online transactions,...