1 先使用扫描仪或数码相机等设备将文档扫描或是拍摄成图片,如果是用扫描仪扫描的话,直接保存成TIFF格式,如果是拍摄的图片,可以通过系统自带的画图软件将其打开并另存为“TIFF格式”。2 现在能识别图片文字的软件很多,如果手边没有,不妨试试Office自带的OCR识别软件就非常不错。提示:Office默认安装中并没有这...
1、双击打开已经下载好的OCR识别软件,在界面中选择“从图片读文件”,将需要转换成文字的图片在软件中打开。 2、“正在读取文件”大家稍等片刻就可以看见需要识别的文件了。 3、直接点击“识别”按钮,稍等片刻就可以在右侧看件识别完成后的内容了。 4、点击工具栏中的“保存为Word”按钮,就可以将识别出来的文字转...
步骤1:首先用户需要下载安装捷速OCR文字识别软件,打开运行进入软件的界面菜单后,请点击使用“从图片读文件”的选项按钮。 步骤2:然后软件就会弹出一个对话框,用户请通过软件的“预览”功能,浏览查找到需要识别的jpg格式图片,选中后再单击“打开”按钮。 步骤...
1.Click ‘Choose file’ in the toolbox above. 2.Select the JPG document you wish to convert. 3.Speedpdf will upload and start to work on the file right away. 4.Wait for the extraction to finish and download your Word. How to Convert JPG to Word Show more...
OCR 1OCR 2ConvertFull screen How to convert JPG (JPEG) to Word Step 1 Choose one of the available apps to choose from. They differ slightly in functionality. Upload a JPG or JPEG image to the site using the upload window. Step 2 ...
可以将JPG/JPEG图像(*.jpg)转换为Microsoft Word文档(*.doc)。 支持两个转换选项:Embed方法和OCR(光学字符识别)。 可以使用它作为方便的JPG到DOC文件转换器。 该软件可以在没有Microsoft Office的情况下运行。 默认方法是“嵌入”方法,软件会将整个图像直接嵌入到Word文档中 ...
JPEG to Word Converter supports all popular Document and image formats. Recognizes more than 40 different languages and their fonts. Easily convert any document in any supported language. JPEG to Word Converter provides best security features including password protection and file permissions. Recognizes...
JPG to Word OCR Converter 2.1free download Effortlessly convert JPG to editable Word documents. Please wait ... contacting download location! Your JPG to Word OCR Converter 2.1 free download will start in a few seconds. If it does not,click here. ...
It is possible that not all text in an image will be recognized. This can happen when using our JPG to PDF converter to create Word documents or ourPDF OCRtool. Possible causes include: Poor image quality or distorted text. Scanned images saved as a PDF are less OCR-friendly. ...
JPG to Word is a free file converter to convert JPG/JPEG images (*.jpg) to Microsoft Word documents (*.doc), it supports two conversion options: Embed method and OCR (Optical Character Recognition) method, you can use it as a convenient JPG to DOC file converter. This software can run...