Step 3. Convert Image to Word DocumentThe JPG image will be converted and opened in Microsoft Word, allowing you to edit the text within the image. Please be aware that the text formatting of the image may undergo changes after converting it to Word....
全名 Joint Photographic Experts Group Microsoft Word Binary File Format 擴展名 .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jif, .jfif, .jfi .doc MIME image/jpeg application/msword 開發商 Joint Photographic Experts Group 微軟 类型 圖像格式 文件檔案格式 介紹 在電腦中,JPEG是一種針對相片影像而廣泛使用的失真壓縮標準方法...
JPG to Word是一款免费的jpg图像转Word工具,这款工具简单易用,它包含了两种转换模式,用户可以直接将JPG或JPEG格式的图片转换成Word文件,也可以识别图像中的文字并将文字提取出来转换为Word文档;图像转Word本质是将图像嵌入到Word中,与在Word中直接插入图像不一样的是,用户可以在插入图像前先设置图像的尺寸大小;JPG ...
迅捷JPG转Word软件是一款专业的jpg图片格式转换word文档格式的工具软件。此外,软件还支持将扫描图像、pdf文件得到后的文档转换为word、html等文件格式。十分方便快捷,界面简约,布局直观清晰,操作简单,极易上手,是一款不可多得的利器。 软件功能 将图像、JPG、PDF文件扫描后得到的文档转换为可编辑的Microsoft Word、PDF...
You can convert your JPG / JPEG picture or photo to Word document. As a result of this transformation, you will have a Word document with your image on the document page. Text Recognition You will be able to recognize text in your images and convert it to editable Microsoft Word format ...
To Convert JPG image to text in Microsoft Word, follow the steps below Drop or upload an image to the input box. Verify the reCAPTCHA. Click on the “Convert” button. Why our free jpg to word converter? We have mentioned some key features of our Jpg image to doc converter. ...
JPG to Word is a free file converter to convert JPG/JPEG images (*.jpg) to Microsoft Word documents (*.doc), it supports two conversion options: Embed method and OCR (Optical Character Recognition) method, you can use it as a convenient JPG to DOC file converter. This software can run...
在首页中找到图片文字识别,然后点击JPG转Word中去。进行自定义设置中的选择转换格式,将文档的转换格式进行转换好。将JPG图片直接点击进入到界面中,或是拖动JPG格式的图片进行打开。等图片上传完成了之后就会自动进行转换。自动转换完成后,即可进行下载。 4. 使用Microsoft Office Document Imaging:首先,在“开始”菜单的...
Why Convert JPG Files to Microsoft Word on PrintFriendly? When dealing with JPG files, you're bound to run into a case where you'll want to edit text. JPG images don't contain selectable text. A word conversion tool can help you get to the ideal file format for your usage. Our onlin...
Alternatively, if you don't have access to Microsoft Word, you can use Zamzar’s free online conversion tool to convert an image into Word in three quick steps: just upload your image file, select ‘DOC’ as the format to convert to, and then click ‘Convert Now’. You’ll then be ...