When dealing with JPG files, you're bound to run into a case where you'll want to edit text. JPG images don't contain selectable text. A word conversion tool can help you get to the ideal file format for your usage. Our online tool can extract text from an image and save it as a...
WORD (Microsoft Word Open XML Document) DOCX is an advanced version of the DOC file format and is much more usable and accessible than the latter at any given time. Unlike the DOC file, the DOCX file is not an extensive file format. Instead, it appears as being a single file while act...
1 打开文档打开文档内容,点击左上角文件,下拉文件选项点击另存为。2 保存为PDF格式把文档另存为pdf格式。3 另存为图片打开PDF格式文件,点击左上角另存为图片即可。
1 首先运行图片转换工具,选取jpg图片上要转换的文字区域,工具会自动识别图片选定区域中的文字,然后软件会弹出一个对话框,直接点击“确定”按钮,很快就将jpg图片上的文字转换出来了,操作截图如下:2 经过上面的转换就将jpg图片转换成文本了,然后再复制到word里面就可以了,上面给大家展示的是用相机拍摄的普通的jp...
Using Zamzar it is possible to convert from JPG to a variety of other formats jpg to avif (AV1 Image File Format) jpg to bmp (Windows bitmap) jpg to doc (Microsoft Word Document) jpg to docx (Microsoft Word 2007 Document) jpg to gif (Compuserve graphics interchange) jpg to ic...
The WPS file format is similar to the DOC format. WPS files are text documents created with Microsoft Works Word Processor. MWWP does not allow advanced formatting options and macros like Microsoft Word does. WPS files are efficient for basic word do... ...
Now you can use our tools online for free JPG conversion of any file. Say goodbye to lossy compression, and check out our tools yourself! Steps To Convert DOCX To JPG Access our home page or our PDF Tools page. Select the Word to PDF converter. Transform your DOCX file to a PDF ...
A Word About Text If you're using the free version of Smallpdf to convert an image to a PowerPoint slide, you won't be able to edit any text in the image. The “Convert text in scans (OCR)” option—which converts text to editable blocks—is only available as a Pro feature. ...
现在就来解决这个问题。工具/原料 Microsoft Word 2013 方法/步骤 1 点击word中的插入选项卡 2 点击对象按钮 3 在新建面板下,选择Package 4 点击浏览,并选择自己想要添加的文件。5 完成,这样就可以在word中,双击图标并打开文件了。注意事项 这个方法也适用于,在word文档中想要存放html文件的情况。
As we run an online PDF software, you can also go back to these tools if you ever need to solve digital document pain points. To get you started, here are a few guides involving images you might find useful: JPG to Word - Learn how to make images editable. JPG to Excel - Similar ...