1,ilovepdf https://www.ilovepdf.com/zh-cn PDF爱好者的在线工具是免费、易于使用、丰富的PDF处理工具,包括:合并、拆分、压缩、转换、旋转和解锁PDF文件,以及给PDF文件添加水印的工具。 转换后的效果也比较不错,不过它的每个功能支持的文件大小都不一样。 最大免费支持100M,PDF转Word,PDF转EXCEL,PDF转PPT只...
iLovePDF 是非常流行的基于网络的 PDF 编辑器。用户可以创建一个帐户并以每月 4.99 美元的价格购买高级计划,以利用额外的图像提取服务和下载,但您仍然可以使用免费版本的 iLovePDF 将 JPG 文件转换为 PDF。您还可以使用此工具将 Microsoft Word 文档(扩展名为 .doc 或 .docx 的文档)转换为 PDF 文件。 1.首先...
8. ilovePDF:免费易用的 PDF 工具集 ilovePDF 是一个完全免费且易于使用的 PDF 处理工具平台,拥有丰富的功能。它不仅可以实现 PDF 文件的合并、拆分、压缩、旋转和解锁等操作,还提供了将 PDF 转换为可编辑的 DOC、PPT、Excel 等格式的功能,以及给 PDF 文件添加水印的工具。在 PDF 转 JPG 方面,它能够提取 ...
操作步骤:首先我们在电脑上打开软件,在“PDF转换”中选择“图片转PDF”功能,点击添加文件或者拖拽文件添加。 软件支持同时添加多个图片进行转换操作,我们可以选择是否合并到一个PDF文件,还可以对输出目录等进行设置,最后点击右下角的“开始转换”按钮进行转换即可。 方法三:iLovePDF 这是一款在线PDF文件处理工具,我们可...
While the online JPG to Excel converter provides a convenient way to create tables, the powerful suite of tools offers even more possibilities. Here’s how you can be more productive with iLovePDF: Secure Signing:Signyour important documents using legally binding digital signatures. ...
When talking about converting JPG to Excel with ilovepdf, it is a pity that ilovepdf won’t help on this. I tried to upload the same testing file to ilovepdf, other online programs could process the conversion, but ilovepdf couldn’t even recognize there were tables in the PDF file....
Convert each PDF page into a JPG or extract all images contained in a PDF. Upload your file and transform it.Select PDF files
iLovePDF offers free basic tools, but subscription plans for advanced features start at $8/month. Tool 6: Soda PDF Soda PDF seamlessly combines user-friendliness and accessibility with a robust set of powerful features. It has an intuitive interface and extensive capabilities, making it a top ...
Besides the image formats, you can use it to convert PDF to and from a vast range of different file formats, which include Word, Excel, and PPT, just to mention but a few. After converting your PDF files to JPG, you can access the assortment of editing options and make your output JP...
I am Aarav, 10 year old developer from India. Donate for my education Way2enjoy jpg to pdf converter,image to pdf converter, is a simple online tool which lets you convert jpg to pdf files your image files on the fly. Choose your file and click Upload to convert!