Width: px Height: px Resize handling Change video bitrate: kbps Change frame rate: fps (frames per second) Cut video: Enter the timestamps of where you want to cut your video. The format is HH:MM:SS. HH = hour, MM = minutes, SS = seconds. Example: 00:02:23 for 2 min...
2. Set target image format, image quality and image size. You can use the original image size or select the "Change width and height" option and enter a custom image size. The format is [width]x[height], for example: 1920x1080. The image quality option applies to only a few image ...
You upload the file you wish to convert, pick your input and output format, make some adjustments, and hit the convert button. CloudConvert also grants you the option to convert texts to paths for more accurate fonts. You also have the option to adjust the height and width of the file yo...
Width: px Height: px Apply color filter:no changeGrayscaleMonochromeNegate colorsRetroSepia EnhanceSharpenAntialiasDespeckleEqualizeNormalizeDeskewNo multilayer DPI: dpi Crop pixels from: Top: px Bottom: px Left: px Right: px Set black and white threshold: ...
width height avif bmp cur gif heic heif icns ico View more netroypublished 1.1.1 • 10 months agopublished 1.1.1 10 months ago M Q P jimp An image processing library written entirely in JavaScript. image image processing image manipulation png jpg jpeg bmp resize scale crop alisowskipublish...
Width: px Height: px Apply color filter: EnhanceSharpenAntialiasDespeckleEqualizeNormalizeDeskew DPI: dpi Crop pixels from: Top: px Bottom: px Left: px Right: px Set black and white threshold: Specify the resolution unit for the DPI:
DXF to JPEG Converter features Convert DWG and DXF files to quality image files Convert DWG and DXF files to Raster BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, GIF formats Standalone product, don't need of AutoCAD application Able to set a folder for SHX fonts Able to set DPI Resolution, Width, Height ...
Convert OpenOffice files to JPEG files, OpenOffice to JPEG Converter does allow you to convert from OpenOffice files to JPEG files, royalty free for distribution
width canvas.height = img.height ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0) resolve() }) img.src = pngUri }), new Promise<void>((_, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { reject(new Error('Failed to convert PNG to JPEG due to timeout')) }, timeout) }), ]) return canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg...
support modifying size by width, height, ratio Supportwebpandgifto convert between animations (webp-animation and gif-animation) Support GIF watermark Others: base64 output, persistent option data, dark/light UI switching, rotating and flipping images, batch processing (within 1000 images), importing...