Yet the power-plant and manufacturing fuel has bounced back to more than twice the price of a year ago, adding cost pressure across the economy. / The Stock Market Is On Sale. That Doesn’t Make It Cheap; Valuations have plummeted at a record rate, but that’s before...
National Stock Exchange of India NSE’s index services subsidiary, NSE Indices Limited today launched a new strategy index – Nifty Smallcap250 Momentum Quality 100 index. The Nifty Smallcap250 Momentum Quality 100 Index aims to track the performance of the 100 small cap stocks selected based on...
It was not just propping up the price of CEL, it was doing it so that Celsius insiders could dump their holdings of CEL. This is a bait and switch and a pump and dump, with a bit of Ponzi scheme baked in at times. I will admit, it takes some imagination to dream this kind of ...