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JPMORGAN IND JII 电脑版 - -- 今开- 最高- 最低- 换手- 总量- 总值- 52周高- 52周低- 市盈TTM- 更多 股吧 资讯 公告 财务 必读 共有2780条帖子 全部 热门 最新评论 最新发帖 公告 Net Asset Value(s) 发表于 今天 19:03 25次浏览 分享 评论 赞 公告 Net Asset Value(s) 发表于 02-19 ...
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The JPMorgan BetaBuilders U.S. Equity ETF (BBUS) offers broad, diversified exposure to large- and mid-cap U.S. equities at an extremely competitive price. Launched in March 2019, BBUS was priced to compete with ultra-low-cost funds like the Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI), the ...
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